The leading pioneer in GPS technology The StarFire Global Satellite Based Augmentation System Ron Hatch NavCom Technology, Inc.
2Agenda Introduction System Description User Benefits/ Performance - StarFire Navigation - RTK Extend - System integrity Summary
The leading pioneer in GPS technology Introduction
4 Who is NavCom Technology, Inc? Located in Southern California Major Business Areas - Proprietary Products for precise positioning & wireless communication - Product Services (Global Differential GNSS Corrections) - Contract Engineering Acquired by Deere & Co. November Technology steward - NavCom remains “pathfinder brand”
The leading pioneer in GPS technology StarFire System Description
6 What is StarFire Worldwide Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) Broadcasts satellite clock and orbit corrections Utilizes six L-band satellites in geosynchronous orbits to provide duplicate global coverage 10 cm Positioning Anywhere, Anytime 10 cm Positioning Anywhere, Anytime
7 StarFire System User – Receivers and System Control - Processing Center Space – Signal Distribution Ground Tracking - Global Network
8 StarFire System - Ground Ground Tracking - Global Network
9 Reference Station Network Over 50 Reference Stations Worldwide The network tracks all GPS satellites continuously – GNSS upgrades in progress Survey grade receivers Processing centers receive measurements from each reference station once a second
10 StarFire System - Control Control - Processing Center Ground Tracking - Global Network
11 StarFire Processing Centers Two Processing Centers - Torrance, California - Moline, Illinois Both Processing Centers Compute a Correction Stream for Satellites - Orbit Corrections once a minute (∆xyz ECEF) - Clock Corrections once every two seconds
12 StarFire System - Space Space – Signal Distribution Control - Processing Center Ground Tracking - Global Network
13 StarFire Uplink and Space Segment StarFire channels on global beams of 6 different L-band communication satellites All users see StarFire signals from two sources - Americas –Laurentides, Canada - Americas – Santa Paula, CA - Europe – Burum, Netherlands - Europe – Southbury, CT - Asia – Perth, Australia - Asia - Auckland, New Zealand Redundant Uplink Sites and Satellites
14 StarFire System - User User – Receivers and System Control - Processing Center Space – Signal Distribution Ground Tracking - Global Network
15 StarFire System Performance Reliability achieved by ensuring no single point of failure and thorough monitoring - Redundancy throughout entire system From reference sites to broadcast signals - Extensive real-time monitoring internal checks real-time positioning results % availability Under 6 minutes of outage annually
16 StarFire Integrated Receivers StarFire SF Multi-frequency GNSS receiver - MEMs inertial attitude determination StarFire SF-3050 Series - Military, Offshore, Machine Control markets - Full GNSS capability - CORS and Heading Functionality StarFire SF Survey markets Worldwide decimeter accuracy in real-time
17Applications Machine Guidance - Agriculture - Construction - Intermodal (port operations) Offshore Survey Aerial Survey Autonomous Vehicles Land Survey
The leading pioneer in GPS technology User Benefits
19 System Performance and User Benefits Real-time global accuracy - Less than 10 cm. one-sigma per horizontal axis (20 cm. vertical) - No local base station - Transparent communication link - Global availability
20 StarFire and Unaided Horizontal Accuracy 24 hour data sample
21 RTK Extend bridges the gaps in RTK coverage RTK and StarFire operations all in ONE receiver Patented innovation exclusive to NavCom RTK Extend RTK corrections No blockage. No problems. Blockage! Problems!!! StarFire corrections Continuous cm-level positioning for up to 15 mins.
22 RTK Extend Dynamic Test Results
23 Additional Benefits from StarFire Augmentation Integrity monitoring - Broadcast correction stream contains validity flags for each satellite which are tightly monitored and controlled by the processing center software Most common satellite vehicle error, clock runoff, detected early – PRN 02 example from 2006
24 PRN June 2006 (Indian Ocean) StarFire Provided corrections for 36 Seconds and then disabled the satellite StarFire Provided corrections for 36 Seconds and then disabled the satellite GPS System Invalid clock for 12 Minutes before setting the satellite unhealthy GPS System Invalid clock for 12 Minutes before setting the satellite unhealthy
25 PRN30 Effect on StarFire Positioning NCT-2100D Receiver Johannesburg, S.Africa No Effect on StarFire Positioning from PRN30 Clock Issue No Effect on StarFire Positioning from PRN30 Clock Issue
The leading pioneer in GPS technology Summary
27 StarFire Key Features and Discriminators Only global SBAS owned and operated by a manufacturer of high precision GNSS receivers Unique fusion of RTK with global SBAS RTK-extend Reliable, global decimeter accuracy in one receiver - Built-in StarFire capability - Independence from local base
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30 Global SBAS initialization time
31 Global SBAS initialization with QuickStart
32 RTK-X Augmenting RTK Coverage