Syberia 2 Mobile Walkthrough Special considerations: When you are talking to another character in the game, always exhaust all topics of conversation. Many elements of the gameplay are triggered by the conversations, and if you leave some topics unfinished, you could feel stuck. In addition, many conversation topics won't appear unless they are triggered by some action. For example, you can't ask about a locked gate unless you have actually seen the gate and tried it. You may select topics of conversation in any sequence you wish, but the most logical order will be realized if you start at the top and work your way down. After the introduction, Kate is standing in the train. Turn around and go to the rear compartment, where Hans Voralberg is standing. Talk to him about everything. It seems the train needs winding to continue the trip. Exit the train, and go to the front in order to talk with Oscar. On the way, there will be a brief cut-scene where Kate meets Colonel Emeliov Goupatchev. Find Oscar and talk with him. Hans said Oscar would tell Kate how to wind the train, but nothing of the sort happens. Just to the left of where Kate and Oscar are standing is the winder. There is a wheel on the machine, and a lever next to it. Turn the wheel to open the train’s hatch then pull the lever located at the left of the machinery to wind the train. Tell Oscar the train is wound and ready to depart. Now it seems Kate must find a way to load the coal car. Go one step back toward the central platform, and turn right to inspect the coal dispensing machine. Kate can pull the lever, lowering the coal-chute, but something's not right - no coal is delivered! Talk to Malka, the little girl below. She's friendly, but not much help for now. Go into the station, where you saw the Colonel enter, and talk with him. He can't help much; have to wait for maintenance people to arrive - maybe a week or two, maybe longer. Go to the far south end of the platform and inspect the gate. It's locked. Go back to Malka and ask her about the gate. She still doesn't know much. Go inside again, and talk to the Colonel. It seems he has lost the only key to the gate (you saw that happen just before his hopeless presentation). Only the maintenance folks can help. Return to Malka and see what she knows about a key. It seems she can help, for a small price. Return to the station house and talk to the Colonel about this. Remember that you can repeat the dialogs in the notepad until you exit it. If Kate talks to a character again, she might find there are further options to talk about. 1. Romansburg Wind the Train The Gate Key
The only problem is, it takes coins to operate them, and Kate doesn't have any money. If Kate goes to the back counter, where the Colonel is, you will discover a small key sitting there in an opened box. Take the key, and go look at the candy dispenser’s close- up. Using the key on the coin-drawer at the base of the gumball machine, the rightmost one yields three coins. You can place them in the slot on the leftmost and middle machines; one of the coins won’t do anything. The gumball machine is jammed, so don't bother trying to get something out of it. The leftmost machine uses the coin with the reindeer carving, and yields a packet of Fish-Candy. The middle machine can be operated by placing the second coin in the slot, the one with a hole in the centre. It provides the candy that Malka likes. Now that you are on tracks, keep going Kate Walker... Contacts – Tetraedge: Just at the end of the counter are three candy machines, how convenient!