Library WebSite User Guide
This menu is active on all pages except ILL, Catalog Contents, and Library Directive. To simplify your research process, you can reach most efficient sources with the training documentation that we prepare for you. You can follow updated news. You can browse all e- resources together. You can browse printed sources.
Kullanıcı Eğitimi You can choose all documentations that you want from there.
Click here to see free e-resources and library lists. Click here to see periodicals list. Click here to provide articles via ULAKBİM. Click here to loan resources from libraries that members of the system.
Periodicals You can search the periodicals by subjects or alphabetical order.
Click here to see all databases that we member of. Some of the databases are for trial purposes.
You can use the form for asking your questions to the librarian.
Click here to see the thesis of Baskent University. Click here to see the new weekly and monthly sources of the library. Click here to see Baskent University open access archive. Click here to see your library account information. Click here to see Turkish and English subjects of library resources.
Subject Search
You can write the subject that you want to browse or you can use the alphabetical order. Heading subjects will be a guide about browsing catalog.
You can provide the information about remote database access with your username and password. For the password of Remote Database Access you must fill the Proxy Form from there.
Proxy İstek Formu Please enter your e -mail address (Baskent Url) Please full fill to form. Your proxy process will be completed after you sign the printed proxy form in the library. Formun işleme sokulabilmesi için ; kütüphane üyesi olmanız ve basılı formu imzalamanız gerekmektedir. There is no need to sign a printed form of the academic staff.
Remote Database Access Click the appropriate field
Library Account You can reach your account with your membership ID number and your password.
Click here after you write which subject(s) you need to browse.
Örnek Tarama Click here to see the details.
Örnek Kayıt Please take notes about this information to reach the article. Please apply to Department of Periodicals after you take notes about the article.
Please call 0(312) /1034 or come to our library for your questions. Best regards. Baskent University Library