Chapter 17 - ROMANESQUE Western Europe
Romanesque Stylistic Characteristics Regionalism –Architecture - verticality, ceilings different Architecture round arch & stone barrel and groin vaults, walls thick & solid Resurgence of monumental stone sculpture Carved portals Like Byzantine – plain on the outside German Romanesque - Uses stone, less ornate, twin towers, Reflects culture – sturdy, organized, ordered Italian -– timber roofs, low buildings, marble, arcades, blind arches
Christ in Majesty with angels and Twenty-Four Elders Saint-Pierre, Moissac, France. Tympanum
Gislebertus, Last Judgment Weighing of the souls Eve, N. Side
Ascension of Christ and Mission of the Apostles La Madeleine, Vezelay, France Flashcard Second Compartment from top Second Compartment from top Right male/female Siamese twins Top Compartment Compartment Right: Dog headed people A man mounts a horse with a ladder- perhaps a pygmy
Lions and Old Testament prophet (Jeremiah or Isaiah?) Saint-Pierre Flashcard trumeau
Cloister of Saint-Pierre, Moissac Miracles of Saint Martin Griffins Gardner’s Art Through the Ages Historiated capitals Bestiaries
St. Etienne, Vignory, France Northern style French Romanesque
Gardner’s Art Through the Ages St. Sernin, Toulouse, France Modular plan Compare with Saint-Etienne Flashcard
St. Sernin, Toulouse, France nave Nave Elevation AISLES Tribune Compound piers Groin Vaults
Christ in Majesty, Saint-Sernin Angel Apostle Mandorla
Saint-Savin-Sur-Gartempe France. Hall church
Notre-Dame, Fontenay, France Pointed arch Cistercian austerity
Flashcard Moralia in Job, Initial R with knight fighting a dragon
Christ in Majesty, Santa Maria de Mur, Catalonia, Spain.
Morgan Madonna Throne of wisdom
Speyer Cathedral Groin vaults Clerestory windows Alternate-support system Compound piers
Italian Romanesque – Southern
Gardner’s Art Through the Ages Sant’Ambrogio, Milan, Italy Rib Vaulting
St. Sernin, Toulouse, France Speyer Cathedral Germany Sant’Ambrogio, Milan, Italy Regionalism - verticality
Cathedral complex, Pisa BaptisteryCathedral Bell Tower (Campanile) incrustation
Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence Marble incrustation Arcuated panels
SAN MINIATO AL MONTE Marble incrustation Diaphragm arches
Creation and temptation of Adam and Eve. Modena Cathedral
St. Etienne, Caen, France Division into 3’s Sexpartite vault Rib vault
Durham Cathedral, England Ribbed groin vault over 3 story nave Quandrant arches Interior arches
Battle of Hastings Norman Cavalry Charging Funeral procession to Westminster Abbey Bayeux Tapestry
Eadwine Psalter