Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Dry Cask Storage NUCP 2311 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Dry Cask Storage NUCP

History Congress Passed Nuclear Waste Policy Act Spent Fuel Pools near Capacity 1 st Dry Storage System licensed in 1986 at Surry Power Station

History 3 27 Dry Storage Sites (as of March 2003) Licensed at Reactor Sites 1 Licensed for TMI-2 Fuel Debris

Licensing 10CFR72 – Dry Storage Casks Designs Approve by NRC Currently 15 in use (as of December 2004) – Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Site-Specific General 4

Licensing – Dry Storage Casks 5

6 Licenses (one or both) – Storage – Transport Specifications – 17 feet height – 180,000 lbs. (230,000 lbs. fully-loaded) – Holds 30 – 60 fuel assemblies

Licensing – Dry Storage Casks Maximum Burnup 60 MWD/MTU (most around 45 MWD/MTU) Minimum Decay time in SFP: 5 – 10 years 20 – 30 kW thermal (depends on size) Maximum Enrichment 5% 7

Licensing – Dry Storage Casks 8 Typical Materials – Structural Carbon Steel Stainless Steels Concrete – Shielding Borated Resin Borated Aluminum Lead

Licensing – Dry Storage Casks Mother Nature – Wind / Tornados – Missiles (trees, telephone poles) – Snow and Ice – Earthquakes Accidents – Cask Tip-over – Cask Drop – Fire – Loss of Cooling (vents blocked) 9

Licensing – ISFSI Pad Example Pad (At Indian Point Energy Center) – 3 feet thick – 100 x 200 feet – 21 miles of rebar – 2000 cubic yards of concrete 10

Licensing – ISFSI Vaults Pre-made concrete structures Assembled on-site 11

Dry Storage Casks - Types 12 CASTOR – General Nuclear Systems, Inc. NAC – NAC International, Inc. NUHOMS – Transnuclear, Inc.

Dry Storage Cask - SFP 13

Dry Storage Casks - Loading Loading Cask in SFP 14

Dry Cask Storage - Loading Remove water and fill with Inert gas Bolt and Weld Lid 15

Dry Cask Storage - Transportation Load onto Cask Transporter 16

Dry Cask Storage - Transportation Place on Cask Pad or in Vault 17

Above Ground Storage of SNF

Dry Cask Storage - Transportation Transport off-site – Train, Barge, and Truck 19

ISFSI Summary ISFSI is a good temporary disposal method New casks designs can be safely transported to Yucca Mountain New cask designs can handle high-burnup fuel 20