The Christian Basilica Oct. 4, 2011
Introduction The Christian Basilica : A Building Type
Old St. Peters, Rome, begun c
Trinity Church Wall St. NYC, 1846 Trinity Church, Newport RI, 1725
Parthenon, Athens Greece, B.C.E. Callicrates, Ictinus and Phidias
Pantheon, Rome, c
Icon of Christ, Monastery of St. Catherine, Sinai, Egypt, 6 th century CE
Dura Europos, Christian Baptistery, before 256 C.E.
I. Origin of the Christian Basilica
Old St. Peters, Rome, begun c
Emperor Constantine Ruled Edict of Milan, 313 legalized Christianity Built churches in Rome, and on sites associated with Christ in Judea Founded Constantinople, (Byzantium, Istanbul), 330
Arch of Constantine, Rome
Old St. Peters, Rome, begun c
St. Peter’s Rome, 1505 and later
Forum of Trajan, Rome, Plan of Old St. Peter’s church, c. 320
Basilica Ulpia, Forum of Trajan, Rome, Plan of Old St. Peter’s church, c. 320
Domes of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, 326
First century grave within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
Church of the Holy Sepulcher, plan and reconstruction of the Constantinian church, ca. 325
Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome Italy, ca C.E.
II. The Romanesque Monastic Church
Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, c Old St. Peter’s church, c. 320
Santa Sabina, Rome, Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, c
Plan, Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, c East end with radiating chapels, Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, c
Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, c Saint Foy, reliquary statue, 10 th -11 th century
Plan of the monastery of St. Gall, Switzerland, c. 820
Reconstructed view from the plan of the Monastery of St. Gall, from David Talbot Rice (Ed.), The Dark Ages, The Making of European Civilization, London 1965
Cluny--Cluniac Fontenay-Cistercian
Remains of Cluny III,
Berzé-la-Ville, wall painting Saint Peter from Cluny
Fontenay, Monastery Church,
III. The Gothic Cathedral
Notre Dame, Amiens, c
Old St. Peter’s church, c. 320
Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, c
East end, St. Eitenne, Beauvais, and after 1284 East end with radiating chapels, Saint- Sernin, Toulouse, c
Gothic Characteristics Ribbed groin vaulting Flying butttresses Pointed (broken) arches Continuous membering Stained glass, diaphanous wall
Notre Dame, Chartres,
View of the vaults, Notre Dame, Amiens, c
Ribbed groin vault
Notre Dame, Chartres,
Section of the choir, Notre Dame, Amiens,
Notre Dame, Amiens, c
Stained glass, Notre Dame, Reims,
Window with Virgin and Child, Notre Dame Chartres, c. 1230
Old St. Peter’s church, c. 320