Art of Ancient Rome
Roman History Timeline Early History – 1000 BCE Latin speaking tribes in Italy – 8 th C BCE Rome Founded (Etruscans in the North, Greek Colonies in the South) Roman Republic 509 – 27 BCE – 509 BCE Founding of Republic – 500 – 264 BCE Unification of Italian Peninsula – 264 – 146 BCE Punic Wars with Carthage & subjugation of Hellenistic States – 146 – 27 BCE Collapse of Republic Roman Empire 27 BCE – 476 CE – Expansion through Conquest & Administration
Roman Republic 509 BCE Founding of Republic 500 – 264 BCE Unification of Italian Peninsula 264 – 146 BCE Punic Wars with Carthage 146 – 133 BCE Greece & Hellenistic States become a Province of Rome 146 – 27 BCE Collapse of Republic Ancient Greek Civilization 490 – 480 BCE Persians Wars 480 – 430 BCE Golden Age (High Classical) 431 – 404 BCE Peloponnesian Wars 400 – 338 BCE Political Upheaval (Late Classical) 336 – 323 BCE Alexander the Great (Hellenistic)
Portrait Busts - verism Roman Republic Roman Patrician c BCE
Roman Patrician w. Busts of his Ancestors, 1 st cent. BCE Denarius (Coin) with Portrait of Julius Caesar, c. 44 BCE
Maison Carrée, Nîmes, France,ca. 1–10 CE Temple of “ Fortuna Virilis ” Rome, Italy, ca. 75 BCE Greek & Etruscan Architectual Influence
Roman Architectural Innovations ArchBarrel VaultGroin Vault Fenestrated Groin Vaults Dome
Roman Greek
Arch Pont du Gard, Aqueduct, Nimes, France, 1 st century AD
Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater), Amphitheater, Rome, AD Barrel Vault
Colosseum Amphitheater Concrete Theater at Epidaurus
Baths of Trajan, Rome, 110 AD Groin Vault
Basilica Nova (of Constantine), Law Court & Civic Center, Rome, AD Groin Vaults & Clerestory Windows Fenestrated Groin Vaults
Pantheon, Temple, Rome, AD Dome
Sections of the Pantheon, Rome, Italy, 118–125 CE.