GOD _______ the universe for His glory.
GOD DESIGNS the universe for His glory. Genesis 1-2
GOD _______ when His creation does not bring Him glory.
Genesis 3-5 GOD JUDGES when His creation does not bring Him glory.
GOD ________ creation when people’s wickedness defies His glory.
GOD DESTROYS creation when people’s wickedness defies His glory. Genesis 6-9
GOD _________ when peoples’s pride exalts itself against His glory.
Genesis GOD SEPARATES when peoples’s pride exalts itself against His glory.
GOD ________ blessing for people.
GOD PROMISES blessing for people. Genesis 12-50, Job
GOD _______ people from bondage.
GOD RESCUES people from bondage. Exodus 1-19
GOD _________ people how to live for His glory.
GOD INSTRUCTS people how to live for His glory. Exodus 20 - Leviticus
GOD _________ people when they complain.
GOD FRUSTRATES people when they complain. Numbers
GOD _______ people for victory when they glorify Him.
GOD EQUIPS people for victory when they glorify Him. Deuteronomy, Joshua
GOD _________ people through difficulty with other people.
GOD DISCIPLINES people through difficulty with other people. Judges, Ruth
GOD ________ people to glorify His authority.
GOD ANOINTS people to glorify His authority. I Samuel - I Kings, Psalms - Song of Songs
GOD _________ peoples’s management of His authority.
GOD EVALUATES peoples’s management of His authority. II Kings - II Chronicles, Isaiah - Lamentations, Hosea - Zephaniah
GOD ______ people when they resist His authority.
GOD LIMITS people when they resist His authority. Ezekiel - Daniel
GOD _______ people when they repent.
GOD REBUILDS people when they repent. Ezra - Esther, Haggai - Malachi
GOD ______ for people who will listen to Him.
GOD WAITS for people who will listen to Him. 400 Silent Years
GOD ______ people.
GOD LOVES people. Matthew - John
SIN struggle with SHAME because of our sin are SLAVES to sin will FORGIVE us because of Christ’s death on the cross. wants us as members of His FAMILY wants us to have FREEDOM from sin in our lives.
Pray to God about these truths: Leave the loneliness of SHAME and by faith pray to God and ask to be a part of His FAMILY. Forsake SIN and ask God for FORGIVENESS through Christ. Recognize and live out your FREEDOM from SLAVERY the power and penalty of sin because of Jesus Christ.
GOD ______ people to declare His glory.
GOD SENDS people to declare His glory. Acts
GOD ______ people to bring glory to Him.
GOD TRAINS people to bring glory to Him. Romans - Jude
GOD _______ people to glorify Him.
GOD UNIFIES people to glorify Him. 100 AD - Present
GOD ________ people who glorify Him.
GOD GLORIFIES people who glorify Him. Revelation