G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ There will be two presentations: T. Nakada (Spokesman): Stato LHCb A.Smith (Resource Coordinator): M&O cat A, CORE e CF (consuntivi 2003 e preventivi ) Overview on the LHCb RRB del 28 Aprile 2004
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ News of the Collaboration CB has approved in february 2004 a new collaborator: LPNHE of Paris VI and VII (software and analysis activities) within the unchanged France budget
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Summary on Detector Construction Magnet assembly progressing, should be finished in June ’04; VELO: sensor and hybrid orders delayed, but still manageble, electronics: BEETLE 1.3 getting on critical path (also for ST), vacuum vessel proceeding; ST: mechanic design progressing, IT sensor order in process; OT: module production coming up with delays, electronics and support design progressing okay; RICH: RICH2 mechanics on track, RICH1, electronics and HPDs progressing, but schedule getting tight; Calorimeters: on track, installation to start in October Muon system: chamber production coming up with significant delays, electronics very tight schedule, filter construction to start in May Infrastructure installation proceeding.
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Magnet
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ VELO: Production of Mechanics Production drawings under approval: Vacuum Vessel Detector Vacuum System Protecting Cover VELO Stand Y-translation frame Center frame Rectangular bellows Secondary vacuum box: Tolerances and mech. properties within specs prototypes Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ OT: Module Production Antonio Pellegrino 5m Modules at NIKHEF 2.5m Module at Warsaw
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ RICH Photon Detectors 4 new HPDs produced by DEP 3 tested Photocathode efficiency exceed specified QE Threshold scan with test pulse Bias voltage scan High voltage scan Back pulse measurement estimation of the photoelectron detection efficiency = 87 % Dark count rate measurement So far – all looks very good
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ RICH Photon Detectors
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ RICH -2 Construction progressing: Magnetic shielding: Production readiness review passed in January 04, field measurement envisaged in Q4/04 (Milano) HPD electro-mechanic assembly to be finalized by October 04 (Genova) Preparations for assembly of RICH-2 at CERN started Mirror production proceeding with some difficulties (quality) Mirror supports delivered Superstructure in fabrication, delivery in April 04
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ RICH 2 – Construction progress
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Update of Milestones MilestoneOld Date Achieved DateNew DateComment Engineering design reviewFeb 04June 04 Production drawings completedJuly 04.Sept 04 Orders for mirrors and structure placedSept 04 Nov 04 Begin assembly at CERNAug 05 Sept 05 Mirrors produced and testedOct 05 Sept 05 RICH 1 As in Light-TDR
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Muon System: MWPC production After Production Readiness Reviews the production is now running at following sites: CERN: planned rate 1 chamber /week, rate reached, but gain uniformity measurement missing LNF: planned rate 2.5 chambers /week; rate shown to be reachable, not yet maintained PNPI-1: planned rate 5 chambers /week, in training phase Three more production sites to come: Ferrara: production just started planned rate is 2.5 chambers /week, PRR planned for April Florence: clean room with tooling installation ready, PRR planned for May PNPI-2: after finishing CMS production area to be converted, start-up planned for autumn this year. We will only know the actual production rate for 5 centres by summer 2004, the chamber construction and installation plan will be revised this summer, once the production rates are established.
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Milestone Plot
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Cost of the LHCb detector MoU cost 73.3 MCHF Present cost 71.7 Funded 71.3Comments: 1. BMBF funds approved in march HPD cost (for RICH) could be larger (tender under way)
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Cost-Funding Matrix Non ci sono underfunding significativi
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Main lines of Resource Coordinator presentation M&O categ. A (in kCHF) power spesi budget Contributo Italia = 18.4% 93.5 kCHF (in pagamento) (903) 1976 (728) 2447 (903) 870 (60) Planned Profile Carry-over from (Italy 86.4) Contributo Italia = kCHF No M&O cat B activated yet
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Main lines of Resource Coordinator presentation CORE 6157 Italy= Italy=1200 Spesi 2003 Planned Italy=4100 Planned 2004 COMMON FUNDS All numbers in kCHF
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Back-up Slides
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Table 1 : Outcome of Category A M&O spending for 2003 Item listOutcome of 2003 Budget KCHF Detector related costs 505 Secretariat Communications 07 On-line computing 00 Test beams, calibration facilities Laboratory operations General services Total Power M&O categ. A consuntivo 2003
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Table 2 : Funding Agency Balances CREDITI M&O categ. A 86,4 kCHF
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Costi previsti 2004 Detector related costs0 Secretariat95 Communications9 On-line computing90 Test beams, calibration facilities40 Laboratory operations45 General services230 kCHF Total509 Power120 Italia (18.37%) 93,49 kCHF (fatto il necessario per pagare la fattura) M&O categ. A Non viene aggiunto nulla riguardo il 2004
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Estimated Category A M&O Costs for LHCb Detector related costs Secretariat On-Call communications999 On-line Computing Test Beams Laboratory Operations4535 General Services Power ItemkCHF Total Detector related costs120 Secretariat180 On-Call communications5 On-line Computing180 Test Beams20 Laboratory Operations45 General Services320 Power60 ItemskCHF Total870 M&O categ. A Stime preliminari
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ M&O categ. A Sharing attuale (da aggiornare in estate)
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ CALO1847 DAH95 MAGNET892 INFRASTRUCTU RE7 Detector TOTAL2841 Common Fund Table 3 Expected Common Fund Spending in 2004 CALO1,318 DAH696 MAGNET600 INFRASTRUCTURE800 MUON100 Detector TOTAL3,514 Spese 2003 (kCHF) Spese previste CALO785 DAH920 OTR456 INFRASTRUCTURE1,500 MUON100 Detector TOTAL3,761
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Spese 2003 CORE
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ CORE Spese previste 2004
G.Martellotti, C.Matteuzzi, CSN1 Roma 6/4/ Spese previste 2005 CORE