Puritanism Puritanism is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy. H.L. Mencken
Puritans People who wanted to purify the Church of England from within.
T.U.L.I.P. T: Total Depravity T: Total Depravity U: Unconditional Election U: Unconditional Election L: Limited Atonement L: Limited Atonement I: Irresistible Grace I: Irresistible Grace P: Perseverance of the saints P: Perseverance of the saints
Total Depravity Concept of “Original Sin” Concept of “Original Sin” “In Adam’s Fall, We Sinned All” “In Adam’s Fall, We Sinned All” Due to Adam and Eve’s fall from grace, we are all born sinful and fall short of the glory of God. Due to Adam and Eve’s fall from grace, we are all born sinful and fall short of the glory of God.
Unconditional Election God “saves” only a few select God “saves” only a few select Concept of Predestination Concept of Predestination Those who are saved are known as “The Elect” Those who are saved are known as “The Elect”
Limited Atonement Jesus died for the chosen, not for everyone. Jesus died for the chosen, not for everyone.
Irresistible Grace God’s grace is freely given. God’s grace is freely given. It can neither be earned or denied. It can neither be earned or denied.
Perseverance of the Saints The members of the elect have the right to interpret the will of God. The members of the elect have the right to interpret the will of God. Those who are members of the elect will live uprightly. Those who are members of the elect will live uprightly.
Puritan Plain Style Plainness in speech, writing, and dress. Plainness in speech, writing, and dress. Clothing-black, brown, gray Clothing-black, brown, gray Worked 300 days a year. Worked 300 days a year. Did NOT celebrate Christmas-viewed as a pagan remnant. Did NOT celebrate Christmas-viewed as a pagan remnant.
Puritan Work Ethic Through hard work one could obtain material and social success. Through hard work one could obtain material and social success. Material and social success a sign one was a member of the elect. Material and social success a sign one was a member of the elect.
Function of Puritan Writing To transform a mysterious God To transform a mysterious God To make God more relevant to the universe To make God more relevant to the universe To glorify God To glorify God
Types of writing Nonfiction Nonfiction –Poetry –Narratives (journals) –Letters