John 17 Jesus Prays
John 17 Jesus Prays John 11:41-42 Some other examples: “Father I thank you that you always hear me…” Some other examples: Luke 5:16 Matthew 14:23 Mark 1:35
John 17 What is prayer? Revelation 5:8
John 17 Prayer before Jesus went to Gethsemane Three sections v18:1 Jesus prays for himself (v 1-5) Jesus prays for the eleven (v6-19) Jesus prays for ALL believers (v20-26)
John 17, Jesus prays Romans 8:26 v11 v13 “I will remain in the world no longer…” v13 “While I am still in the world…”
John 17:1-5: Jesus Prays for Himself v1 Father Now is the hour Glorify your son… …so that your son might glorify you. God source and centre to all that Jesus said and did Glory
John 17:1-5: Jesus Prays for Himself v2 For you grant him (the son) all authority Philippians 2:6-11 Matthew 28 Give eternal life to… John 3:14-15 John 10:27-30
John 17:1-5: Jesus Prays for Himself v3 Now this is eternal life… Knowing the father Knowing the one He sent John 10:10 Life in all its fullness
John 17:1-5: Jesus Prays for Himself v4 I have brought you glory by completing the work you gave me to do…
John 17:1-5: Jesus Prays for Himself v5 And now… Before the world began c.f. v1 See Jesus for who he is and therefore understand the true glory of the father.