…putting it together Becoming more Fruitful Growing Deeper in Christ Awareness Conviction Commitment
What kind of disciples It is one who is… What it means? (Eph 3:14-21) R ooted in God’s Love Christ has secured us in God’s love that is true and unchanging (3:14-17) E mpowered by the Spirit The Spirit strengthens us with power to grasp the fullness of God’s Love (3:16-19) A biding in Christ Jesus We abide by faith in God’s Love through Christ dwelling in us (3:17) L iving in God’s Fullness We grow into the fullness of God’s Love (3:19-21) Our Church’s Mission To Glorify God by being & making R.E.A.L. Disciples of Christ Jesus
Our Church’s Mission To Glorify God by being & making R.E.A.L. Disciples of Christ Jesus Mission Focus Theme Rooted in God’s love Laying the Foundation A Christ- Centred Church Empowered by the Spirit Equipping for Service A Serving Church Abiding in Christ Jesus Building Body Life A Loving & Caring Church Living in God’s Fullness Discipling for Growth & Maturity A Discipling Church
Theme A Christ - Centred Church A Serving Church A Loving & Caring Church A Discipling Church Rooted in God’s Love(R) Empowered by the Spirit(E) Abiding in Christ Jesus(A) Living in God’s Fulness(L) An appreciation of our Mission & Roadmap An understanding of what it means to lead a transformed life Dealing with past hurts & pain as a Church & closing a chapter Foundation of Church Unity Foundation of our faith & key doctrines Blueprint for Gifts Assessments & Guidance Knowing Ministry Opportunities A support & placement Identifying & Equipping Pastoral Care Leaders Church-wide Missions & Outreach Projects Mentoring & Counseling workshops Sustaining a ministry of An Intentional Pastoral Care Framework A church with Cells Every Hermonite is cared for Church-wide bonding A corporate commitment to grow deep & bear fruits A commitment to serve A commitment to baptism & membership A discipleship framework Church Expansion & Development Blueprint Discipling for growth & maturity A vibrant community outreach & Missions
Sharing Christ God’s Love (Fullness) Abiding (Holiness and Fruitfulness) Establishi ng Living Out (Wholeness, Maturity and Unity) Rooted (Right priorities) R.E.A.L. Discipleship in Hermon in Hermon Knowing Christ Serving Christ Growing in Christ Empowered (Ministry)
With God as our Help, we will journey on R.E.A.L discipleship together