Glorify Thy Name - 29Glorify Thy Name - 29 Father, we love YouFather, we love You We worship and adore youWe worship and adore you Glorify Your Name in.


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Presentation transcript:

Glorify Thy Name - 29Glorify Thy Name - 29 Father, we love YouFather, we love You We worship and adore youWe worship and adore you Glorify Your Name in all the earthGlorify Your Name in all the earth

Glorify Your NameGlorify Your Name Glorify Your Name in all the earthGlorify Your Name in all the earth

Jesus, we love YouJesus, we love You We worship and adore YouWe worship and adore You Glorify Your Name in all the earthGlorify Your Name in all the earth

Glorify Your NameGlorify Your Name Glorify Your Name in all the earthGlorify Your Name in all the earth

Spirit, we love YouSpirit, we love You We worship and adore YouWe worship and adore You Glorify Your Name in all the earthGlorify Your Name in all the earth

Glorify Your NameGlorify Your Name Glorify Your Name in all the earthGlorify Your Name in all the earth