God Has Provided Redemption for man and all creation
Let All Things Now Living Let all things now living, a song of thanksgiving to God their Creator triumphantly raise.
Who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us, Who guides us and leads to the end of our days.
His banners are o’er us, His light goes before us, A pillar of fire shining forth in the night. ‘Til shadows have vanished and darkness is banished, As forward we travel, from light into light.
His law He enforces: the stars in their courses, the sun in its orbit, obediently shine; The hills and the mountains, the rivers and fountains, The deeps of the ocean proclaim Him divine!
We too should be voicing our love and rejoicing, With glad adoration a song let us raise, ‘Til all things now living unite in thanksgiving To God in the highest - Hosanna and Praise! ***
My Heart Is Filled My heart is filled with thankfulness to Him who bore my pain; Who plumbed the depths of my disgrace and gave me life again;
Who crushed my curse of sinfulness and clothes me with His light, and wrote His law of righteousness with pow’r upon my heart.
My heart is filled with thankfulness to Him who walks beside; Who floods my weaknesses with strength and causes fears to fly.
Whose ev’ry promise is enough for ev’ry step I take. Sustaining me with arms of love and crowning me with grace.
My heart is filled with thankfulness to Him who reigns above; Whose wisdom is my perfect peace, whose ev’ry thought is love.
For ev’ry day I have on earth is given by the King. So I will give my life, my all, to love and follow Him. ***
we worship and adore You; Glorify Thy Name in all the earth! Father we love You, we worship and adore You; Glorify Thy Name in all the earth! Glorify Thy Name,
we worship and adore You; Glorify Thy Name in all the earth! Jesus we love You, we worship and adore You; Glorify Thy Name in all the earth! Glorify Thy Name,
we worship and adore You; Glorify Thy Name in all the earth! Spirit we love You, we worship and adore You; Glorify Thy Name in all the earth! Glorify Thy Name,
Speak O Lord Speak, O Lord, as we come to You To receive the food of Your Holy Word. Take Your truth, plant it deep in us; Shape and fashion us in Your likeness,
Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us All Your purposes for Your glory. That the light of Christ might be seen today In our acts of love and our deeds of faith. Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us All Your purposes for Your glory.
Teach us, Lord, full obedience, Holy reverence, true humility; Test our thoughts and our attitudes In the radiance of Your purity.
Cause our faith to rise; cause our eyes to see Your majestic love and authority. Words of pow'r that can never fail Let their truth prevail over unbelief. ***
The Prologue The Bible is the infallible, unified record of what God has done and said. Within that record is the woven thread of God’s plan of redemption. So, how does that story get started? Progressively – like a Seed growing into a tree.
Genesis 1-11 With staggering brevity, God records: the origin of the universe ( 1:1-2:3) the creation of man ( 1:26-31 ; 2:7-25) human sin (3:1-7) redemptive revelation (3 :8-24) the human family (4:1-15) godless civilization (4-8) and a major judgment the beginning of the nations (10:1-32) the origin of languages (11:1ff) the beginning of the Hebrew race (11:10ff)
Key Questions: As we look at the book of Genesis “Is there any link between what is recorded and God’s goal for all history?” “Is there anything here that indicates that God is moving toward His goal?” “What has God spotlighted in all this history?”
Genesis 1-11 is very selective in its historicity. This is true of all Scripture. God focuses only on those facts, events, places and figures which lend to the development of His Story. Does any of this activity have a bearing on what God desires to do on Earth?
Further Summary: 1-4 Perfect Creation spoiled by sin 6-9 Flood of judgment 11 Defiant Gathering & Scattering
Once we understand the details and direction of these three segments, we can then collapse this entire portion of Scripture into one general statement. “God’s Point” for Genesis 1-11 We must understand what is happening here if Genesis 12 and the rest of Scripture are to make any sense!
What is God’s Plan? 1 God's redemptive operation will happen on the Earth, 2 God's program involves people, 3 God's purposes are accomplished through godly people. What, then, do we want to watch for in Genesis 1-11?
What characterizes godly people? But what is recorded about man in Gen 3-11? Gen 3:6 Can God work through those who sense an estrangement from Him? Gen 3:8,12; 4.8 Can God be glorified through people who are at odds with one another? Is there any hope of righteousness reigning over all the Earth in view of Genesis 6:12?
By the time we get to Gen 11 (tower of Babel) it is clear that man is at odds with Jehovah, and the entire society reflects a sickening attitude of "let's gang up against God!" And look at man's primary motivation for building the tower of Babel: to make a name for himself, not God!
Would you say that Genesis 1-11 serves as an encouraging introduction to the certainty of God's plan being accomplished through people such as these? Man is utterly corrupt, entertaining evil in his heart continually. He has no regard for the plans of God...nor for His Person!
The primary function of Gen 1-11 It sets the stage for what comes after It shows the need for the plan of redemption. These chapters show man's desperate need, and, consequently, the need for God to act. They make one thing clear: man has failed miserably. He has dashed to pieces any dreams of his exaltation or forward progress.
In short, Genesis 1-11 calls for a radical shift in the course of events.
That radical shift comes in Genesis 12 So far God has acted to restrain sin and to judge. But something tremendous is about to happen that will alter man's plight and advance God's desires. God Himself is about to enter the realm of human destiny to act on behalf of fallen man!
There is a Redeemer, Jesus, God’s own Son; Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One.
Thank You, oh, my Father, for giving us Your Son, And leaving Your Spirit ‘til the work on earth is done.
Jesus my Redeemer, Name above all names; Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, O for sinners slain.
Thank You, oh my Father, for giving us Your Son, and leaving Your Spirit ‘til the work on earth is done.
When I stand in glory, I will see His face; There I’ll serve my King forever In that holy place.
Thank You, oh my Father, for giving us Your Son, and leaving Your Spirit ‘til the work on earth is done. ***