+ Srimad-Bhagavatam First Canto Chapter 2 Text14-16 Liberation by glorifying the Superme Lord.
+ Text 14 tasmäd ekena manasä bhagavän sätvatäà patiù çrotavyaù kértitavyaç ca dhyeyaù püjyaç ca nityadä Therefore, with one-pointed attention, one should constantly hear about, glorify, remember and worship the Personality of Godhead, who is the protector of the devotees.
+ Tendency to glorify In modern society, all activities are more or less dependent on hearing and glorifying. False glorification of an unqualified person cannot bring about any good, either for the particular man or for the society. The actual object of glorification is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has created everything manifested before us. The tendency to glorify others or hear others must be turned to the real object of glorification-the Supreme Being. And that will bring happiness.
+ Text 15 yad-anudhyäsinä yuktäù karma-granthi- nibandhanam chindanti kovidäs tasya ko na kuryät kathä-ratim With sword in hand, intelligent men cut through the binding knots of reactionary work [karma] by remembering the Personality of Godhead. Therefore, who will not pay attention to His message?
+ Liberation. The contact of the spiritual spark with material elements creates a knot which must be cut if one wants to be liberated from the actions and reactions of fruitive work. Liberation means freedom from the cycle of reactionary work. This liberation automatically follows for one who constantly remembers the transcendental pastimes of the Personality of Godhead. Liberation from material bondage is, therefore, a by-product of devotional service. Any sensible man who is above the average man with a poor fund of knowledge must constantly remember the Personality of Godhead by hearing about Him, by glorifying Him, by remembering Him and by worshiping Him always, without cessation.
+ Text 16 çuçrüñoù çraddadhänasya väsudeva- kathä-ruciù syän mahat-sevayä vipräù puëya-tértha-niñevaëät O twice-born sages, by serving those devotees who are completely freed from all vice, great service is done. By such service, one gains affinity for hearing the messages of Väsudeva.
+ Rectification of Asuras. The conditioned life of a living being is caused by his revolting against the Lord. Demons - who are against the authority of the Supreme Lord. These asuras are gradually rectified to God consciousness by the mercy of the Lord's liberated servitors in different countries according to the supreme will – through the mercy of the servants of God. The servants of God are to be respected as God by the devotees who actually want to go back to Godhead. The servants of God come to propagate God consciousness, and intelligent people should cooperate with them in every respect. By serving the servant of God, one can please God more than by directly serving the Lord.
+ Qualification to enter the Kingdom of God. By serving the servants of the Lord, one gradually gets the quality of such servants, and thus one becomes qualified to hear the glories of God. The eagerness to hear about God is the first qualification of a devotee eligible for entering the kingdom of God.