MilitarismImperialism / Isolationism AlliancesNationalism Causes of World War I M.A.I.N. - Build up of a country’s army, Always have a large standing Army, just in case they are Needed. Glorify your military Power! -L-Larger country overtaking Smaller country to exploit their Labor, land, and resources. - US Policy to mind its Own business, neutrality, Don’t take sides! - Complex system of alliances That dragged dozens of Countries into the conflict. - Deep love of one’s country. - Small countries wanted their Independence from larger Countries (Balkans).
Note Page 32 Chapter 8 “The Home Front” US History By Morgan J. BurrisLexington middle School
To fight World War One, the American government used progressive ideas and new government agencies to mobilize the population and organize the economy. War Industries Board – Est. 1917, to coordinate the production of war materials. - Allocate resources, set prices, manage production. Wartime Agencies:
Victory Gardens – Americans encouraged to produce food at home. Wheatless Mondays, Meatless Tuesdays, Porkless Thursdays. Daylight Savings – Conserve energy / Heatless Mondays Conservation Efforts:
1.National War Labor Board – Prevent strikes, keep war production factories going. Mobilizing the Workforce:
2. Women’s Role: Women fill men’s traditional jobs – manufacturing, police, railroads, etc. Proved women could do men’s work - Greatly help Suffrage Movement.
3. “Great Migration” Thousands of African Americans migrated North to work in factories. 4. Mexican American Thousands of Hispanics moved out of South to fill vacant jobs in North. Settled in communities across country.
1. Selling the War: Committee on Public Information – gov’t must “sell” war to American public. - publications, pamphlets, news stories, etc. “Four Minute Men” – Support war effort, buy bonds, turn in draft dodgers, etc. Liberty Bonds – Bond sold to finance war. Shaping Public Opinion:
2. Civil Liberties Curtailed: Espionage – spying to acquire gov’t information. Sedition Act – illegal to speak out against the war. Schenck v. US - Supreme Court upheld right of gov’t to limit speech when they are “clear and present” danger.
Selective Service Act – Drafted over 3 million troops, train 9 months. Seen as an Adventure, quickly learned different. Problem with Transporting Troops, Convoy across Atlantic Volunteers & Conscription:
Flu Epidemic – 1918 worldwide outbreak More died of flu than of war / fighting ¼ American caught it, ½ million died.
African American Troops - over 400,000 served, mostly non-combat. Segregated Unit, some shipped to France to fight
Women Join the Military : First war women officially served in Armed Services. Clerical work, nurses, radio operators, pharmacists, photographers. Army never accepted them, only nurses sent overseas.
Note Page 32 / Chapter 8 “The Home Front” The End By Morgan J. BurrisLexington Middle School