The WRF Standard Initialization (WRFSI) Brent Shaw NOAA / Forecast Systems Laboratory Presented by Paul Schultz June 27, 2002
WRF Standard Initialization Provides a method to define a WRF domain Location, projection, dimensions, resolution Location, projection, dimensions, resolution Acquisition/interpolation of “static fields Acquisition/interpolation of “static fields These functions are now available via a graphical user interface These functions are now available via a graphical user interface Provides all required initial and time-varying boundary conditions required to produce a forecast on the native WRF coordinate Ingest readily-available gridded fields (NCEP GriB) Ingest readily-available gridded fields (NCEP GriB) Horizontally/vertically interpolate to WRF domain Horizontally/vertically interpolate to WRF domain Grid staggering to support dynamic core Grid staggering to support dynamic core Derivation of state variables required by dynamic core Derivation of state variables required by dynamic core The GUI will support these functions in a few months The GUI will support these functions in a few months
WRF Standard Initialization Role of FSL Lead agency for SI Working Group (John McGinley)Lead agency for SI Working Group (John McGinley) Designed, developed, and delivered initial version of WRF SI systemDesigned, developed, and delivered initial version of WRF SI system Maintenance/enhancement of initial systemMaintenance/enhancement of initial system Reformatting static fieldsReformatting static fields Status Running in real-time at NCAR, AFWA, FSL,...Running in real-time at NCAR, AFWA, FSL,... Test use at EMCTest use at EMC Released new version to NCAR in MarchReleased new version to NCAR in March Supports mass-based vertical coordinateSupports mass-based vertical coordinate Supports A-gridSupports A-grid Supports condensate fields and nonzero divergence for diabatic initializationSupports condensate fields and nonzero divergence for diabatic initialization Additional fields to support LSM (frozen soil physics)Additional fields to support LSM (frozen soil physics) Refined interpolation methods for land/water “masked fieldsRefined interpolation methods for land/water “masked fields
WRFSI Current Capabilities Domain Definition Choice of 3 projectionsChoice of 3 projections Polar stereographicPolar stereographic MercatorMercator Lambert Conformal (secant or tangent)Lambert Conformal (secant or tangent) Arakawa-C Grid Stagger with no nestingArakawa-C Grid Stagger with no nesting Static field processing from tiled data setsStatic field processing from tiled data sets Dynamic Data Pre-processing GriB-format pressure-level and surface data setsGriB-format pressure-level and surface data sets Horizontal Interpolation From Lat/Lon, polar-stereo, Lambert conformal, or mercatorFrom Lat/Lon, polar-stereo, Lambert conformal, or mercator Vertical Interpolation From pressure to pressure or WRF height/massFrom pressure to pressure or WRF height/mass From RUC native to pressure or WRF height/massFrom RUC native to pressure or WRF height/mass
WRFSI Software Design Modular Components can be run individuallyComponents can be run individually New components can be easily inserted into run streamNew components can be easily inserted into run stream New options can be more easily addedNew options can be more easily added Single namelist file for controlSingle namelist file for control Maintainable CVS Revision controlCVS Revision control Multiple platform build and testing strategyMultiple platform build and testing strategy Design emphasis on portabilityDesign emphasis on portability Accommodations for Graphical User Interface
WRFSI Software Components Grib data (AVN, Eta, RUC) topo land use others WRF-ready init/lbc Reformat Data Define Domain Populate the Domain
Program grib_prep Reads and re-formats GRIB-format data files containing pressure-level data. Does no spatial interpolation. Runs whenever new input data sets available. Output from one run can support multiple model runs on various domains. User-editable configuration table allows use of any level(s) of any variable contained in the GRIB file Provides time-interpolation to fill gaps in data to meet desired LBC frequency Writes simple, intermediate file for input to hinterp, Simple file format allows users to bypass grib_prep if they have custom, non-GRIB datasets Simple file format allows users to bypass grib_prep if they have custom, non-GRIB datasets
Program gridgen_model Run once when domain initially defined Acquires/derives all required static fields Topography with user-controllable filtering parametersTopography with user-controllable filtering parameters Latitudes, longitudes, map factors, coriolis, etc. on model stagger (Arakawa C). Also A-grid for 3DAVR.Latitudes, longitudes, map factors, coriolis, etc. on model stagger (Arakawa C). Also A-grid for 3DAVR. All required fields for LSM supportAll required fields for LSM support USGS 24-category landuse fractionsUSGS 24-category landuse fractions WMO/FAO 16-category 2-layer soil typesWMO/FAO 16-category 2-layer soil types Annual mean temperature, monthly greenness fraction, albedoAnnual mean temperature, monthly greenness fraction, albedo Reads “tiled data sets (available on FTP server)Reads “tiled data sets (available on FTP server) Outputs netCDF file
Program hinterp Runs once per domain per model run Reads static file and grib_prep output Horizontally interpolates pressure level data to the WRF horizontal staggered (Arakawa-C) domain Utilizes special routines for interpolation of masked fields (e.g., soil moisture, soil temperature, SST, snowcover, etc.) Selectable interpolation method Processes any variable contained in grib_prep output Outputs binary-format data and metadata
Program vinterp Run once per domain per simulation Vertically interpolates pressure levels to WRF coordinate Linear interpolation of height w.r.t. ln(p) Linear interpolation of height w.r.t. ln(p) Linear interpolation of other variables w.r.t. height Linear interpolation of other variables w.r.t. height Derives variables needed for input to Runge-Kutta dynamic engine Processes all variables found in hinterp output “Pass-through of scalars, 1D, and 2D variables “Pass-through of scalars, 1D, and 2D variables Vertical interpolation of 3D variables Vertical interpolation of 3D variables Performs final staggering of atmospheric variables Outputs binary files for input into the WRF "real.exe" initialization program
Perl Scripts Builds the software Main driver script for running Runs Runs grib_prep.exe Runs gridgen_models (optional), hinterp.exe, and Runs gridgen_models (optional), hinterp.exe, and vinterp.exe (in forthcoming release): Sets up domain from pre-existing namelist template Edits namelists and cdl file and runs Edits namelists and cdl file and runs gridgen_model.exe The GUI is intended to make all this a breeze -- maybe late summer.
Miscellaneous Utilities IDL Routines Reads WRFSI static Reads WRFSI static file Read grib_prep output Read grib_prep output files Reads hinterp/vinterp Reads hinterp/vinterp output Program siscan (in forthcoming release) Dumps a summary of wrfsi file contentsDumps a summary of wrfsi file contents
WRFSI Setup Overview Ensure required external packages are installed Plan the directory setup Extract the tar file Configure compiler options Run the installation script Configure the domain Run the main driver script as necessary
GUI demo We’re going to do this instead of going over all the details of software installation, which you can read for yourself by downloading this presentation. Also, there’s a presentation later today on SI software installation.
Required External Packages Unix or Linux OS Fortran 90 Compiler C Compiler (gcc is sufficient) make Utility Perl netCDF Libraries
WRFSI Setup Directory structure and environment variables "Source root" ($SRCROOT) -- Approx. 10 MB"Source root" ($SRCROOT) -- Approx. 10 MB Typically this is the top-level directory created after extracting the tar fileTypically this is the top-level directory created after extracting the tar file Contains src, etc, and data subdirectoriesContains src, etc, and data subdirectories "Installation root" ($INSTALLROOT) -- Approx. 10 MB"Installation root" ($INSTALLROOT) -- Approx. 10 MB Where installed code will resideWhere installed code will reside Contains bin and etc subdirectoriesContains bin and etc subdirectories "MOAD data root" ($MOAD_DATAROOT)"MOAD data root" ($MOAD_DATAROOT) Where data specific to a single domain residesWhere data specific to a single domain resides Contains static, siprd, cdl, and silog subdirectoriesContains static, siprd, cdl, and silog subdirectories "External data root" ($EXTDATAROOT)"External data root" ($EXTDATAROOT) Location of grib_prep outputLocation of grib_prep output Contains extprd, work, and log subdirectoriesContains extprd, work, and log subdirectories
WRFSI Setup Directory Structure Rationale Allows separation of executables and source codeAllows separation of executables and source code Provides a smooth upgrade path in an operational environmentProvides a smooth upgrade path in an operational environment Easier to test modifications without impacting operationsEasier to test modifications without impacting operations Allows separation of transitory data from source code and executable code for improved management of disk volumesAllows separation of transitory data from source code and executable code for improved management of disk volumes Allows modular programs to communicate effectivelyAllows modular programs to communicate effectively Very flexibleVery flexible $INSTALLROOT, $SRCROOT, and $MOAD_DATAROOT can all be the same or different$INSTALLROOT, $SRCROOT, and $MOAD_DATAROOT can all be the same or different Supports multiple domains ($MOAD_DATAROOTs) with one set of executable code ($INSTALLROOT) and external data ($EXTDATAROOT)Supports multiple domains ($MOAD_DATAROOTs) with one set of executable code ($INSTALLROOT) and external data ($EXTDATAROOT)
WRFSI Setup Compiling Uses Unix or Gnu make utilityUses Unix or Gnu make utility Machine-dependent settings in one shared file ($SRCROOT/src/include/ settings in one shared file ($SRCROOT/src/include/ Top-level makefile ($SRCROOT/Makefile) can compile and install everthing, or each component can be individually compiledTop-level makefile ($SRCROOT/Makefile) can compile and install everthing, or each component can be individually compiled Perl script "" handles editing of file, compilation, and installation based on command-line optionsPerl script "" handles editing of file, compilation, and installation based on command-line options Requires $SRCROOT/src/include/makefile_{machine} to be present with correct compiler options, etc.Requires $SRCROOT/src/include/makefile_{machine} to be present with correct compiler options, etc.
WRFSI Setup Configuring the domain (current method) Edit $MOAD_DATAROOT/static/wrfsi.nlEdit $MOAD_DATAROOT/static/ Horizontal parameters (projection, grid spacing, dimensions)Horizontal parameters (projection, grid spacing, dimensions) Vertical level distributionVertical level distribution Paths to GRIB dataPaths to GRIB data Path to $EXTDATAROOTPath to $EXTDATAROOT Edit dimensions in $MOAD_DATAROOT/cdl/wrfsi.cdlEdit dimensions in $MOAD_DATAROOT/cdl/wrfsi.cdl Run gridgen_model.exe manually or allow it to be run on the first execution of wrfsi.plRun gridgen_model.exe manually or allow it to be run on the first execution of Configuring the domain (forthcoming) Edit a template file for the domainEdit a template file for the domain Run $INSTALLROOT/etc/window_domain_rt.plRun $INSTALLROOT/etc/
Running WRFSI Execute $INSTALLROOT/etc/ Set $MOAD_DATAROOT and $INSTALLROOT environment variables or provide to as command line optionsSet $MOAD_DATAROOT and $INSTALLROOT environment variables or provide to as command line options Examples:Examples: ETA ETA testdomain -i /my/install/root -d /my/data/root ETA -i /my/install/root -d /my/data/root ETA testdomain Output will be in $MOAD_DATAROOT/data/siprd Example output files:Example output files: wrf_input.d :00:00wrf_input.d :00:00 wrf_input.d :00:00wrf_input.d :00: wrf_input.d :00:00wrf_input.d :00:00
Sample SI Output USGS Landuse on 10-km National Domain Water Vapor on 16-km Domain Soil Moisture on 16-km Domain Pot. Temp on 16-km Domain
WRFSI Software Management CVS revision control Weekly, multi-platform builds performed at FSL IBM AIX, Intel-Linux, Alpha-LinuxIBM AIX, Intel-Linux, Alpha-Linux Latest version and static data available on FSL anonymous FTP server WRFSI.TAR.gzWRFSI.TAR.gz *TILES.tar.gz*TILES.tar.gz TERRAIN_GLOBAL_30s.tarTERRAIN_GLOBAL_30s.tar Bug reports, comments, etc. are encouraged!
Plans (as resources allow) Support for nested grids Graphical User Interface Support grib_prep, hinterp, vinterp Support grib_prep, hinterp, vinterp Accommodate other initializations (3DVAR, LAPS, etc.) Accommodate other initializations (3DVAR, LAPS, etc.) Schedule/manage model runs Schedule/manage model runs Parallelization (?) Maintenance and general software improvements