1 WSC Advisory Committee Agenda June 26, 2014 9:30 Welcome and general updates - Ben Ericson 9:50 Soil Management - next steps for policy and potential.


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Presentation transcript:

1 WSC Advisory Committee Agenda June 26, :30 Welcome and general updates - Ben Ericson 9:50 Soil Management - next steps for policy and potential regulations, plus updates - Paul Locke 10:20 MCP Implementation issues - Liz Callahan Guidance development/plans for guidance development discussions 72 hour notification for SRM conditions related to vapor intrusion Other questions/issues? 11:00 MCP "trailer package" - issues to consider for additional MCP amendments Liz Callahan & Paul Locke 11:30 Adjourn

2014 MCP Implementation 2


Guidance Development Guidance discussion dates (LNAPL, VI, AUL) – Save the dates July 24, July 31 (AUL) Comment review period for AUL, LNAPL and VI Guidance – August 22, 2014 * 4 * Based on the discussion at 6/26/14 WSCAC meeting, MassDEP will stagger the review period end dates for the AUL, LNAPL and VI draft guidance documents. Review periods will be set to close late Summer/early Fall. Exact dates TBD/announced.

5 Information specific to the implementation of the 2014 MCP is located at cleanup-regulations-and-standards.html#6 cleanup-regulations-and-standards.html#6

MCP-Related Fee Amendments – also effective June 20, Type Submittal Type & Fee Category Timing of Submittal (for One-Time Fees) Non- Homeowner Homeowner 3 Within 120 days of initial notification After 120 days & prior to Tier Classification After Tier Classification One-Time Fees 1 Permanent Solution --- Permanent Solution Fee See Note 4 $1,470$735 RAM Plan RAM Fee --- $980$490 DPS DPS Fee --- $1,965 Notice of AUL AUL Fee $2,000$1,000 Regular Annual Fees 2 Fee Category Non- Homeowner Homeowner 3 Tier ID$4,915$2,455 Tier I$4,320$1,225 Tier II$2,455$1,225 Temporary Solution$980$490 Phase V$980$490 Notes: 1. One-Time Fees must be paid when submittal is made. 2. Regular Annual Fees are billed by MassDEP after Tier Classification; Fee Category is based on Status of site on Annual Status Date. 3. Completed Homeowner Certification Form BWSC120 is required to qualify for lower Homeowner fee rates. 4. One-Time Permanent Solution Fee also applies if site is Tier ID and submittal is made within first 90 days of initial Status Date. More information cleanup-fees.htmlhttp:// cleanup-fees.html

MCP Errata Two types – To be fixed as a technical correction - Publication errors To be addressed in the MCP amendments “trailer package” - MassDEP drafting errors 7

8 CompoundCAS No. Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclors Benzene, 1,1’-(Dichloroethylidene)Bis[4-chloro-… (DDE) ,1’-Biphenyl, Chloro-Derivs ,4-Diethylene Oxide (1,4-Dioxane) Methyl Mercury Naphthalene Nickel PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls, N.O.S Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Table 1 MOHML RC Errors (technical corrections)

9 CompoundCAS No. Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Aroclor Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Table 2 MOHML RC Errors (technical corrections)

Text still refers to Tier I Permits CMR (3) and (5) (technical corrections)

310 CMR (4) 11

l Vadose Zone Soil Contamination Evidence of Vapor Migration Along Preferential Pathways VOC Groundwater Contamination >GW-2 within 30 feet of structure where average annual depth to groundwater ≤ 15 feet Soil Gas Volatile LNAPL ≥ 1/8 inch within 30 feet of the structure in a monitoring well, excavation or subsurface depression 72 Hour SRM Notification Triggers – Schools, Daycare or Child Care Centers, Occupied Residences (310 CMR (4)(f)) within 6 feet vertically from wall, 10 feet from foundation/basement floor at concentrations likely to discharge to structure

(16) releases indicated by the presence of oil and/or hazardous material in concentrations or quantities which would otherwise meet one or more of the sets of criteria set forth in 310 CMR through 310 CMR at a disposal site where: (a) a response action is being undertaken in compliance with the provisions of 310 CMR to address such release; (b) a release notification was previously provided to the Department for the disposal site on which the release has been observed or documented; and (c) such presence of oil and/or hazardous material is consistent with the types, nature, exposure potential and quantities of oil and/or hazardous material for which that notification was provided to the Department; CMR (16)

MCP Trailer package – topics/timing 14