Depressants Click to Begin
Depressants Chemicals used to treat mental illness; they depress or slow down the nervous system. Click to Continue
Depressants Barbiturates Phenobarbital Seconal Tuinal Tranquilizers (Benzodiazepines) Valium Lithium Xanax GHB & Rohypnol Narcotics Morphine Dilotted Demoral Heroin Oxycontin Percocet Click to Continue
Short-term effects Feel calm and sleepy Get confused and can’t concentrate Muscles relax Speech gets slurred Become clumsy and stagger Click to Continue
Long-term effects Personality changes and violent behavior Fear of people and things (paranoia) See things that aren’t real (hallucinate) Chest infections Deadly when used with alcohol Click to Continue
Narcotics A chemical classified as a narcotic; narcotics come from the opium poppy and are used as painkillers. Click to Continue
Short-term effects Heart beats slower Breathing slows Pupils shrink and eyes water Skin on face, neck and chest turns red Staggering and sleepy Nausea Relief of pain Click to Continue
Long-term effects Collapsed veins Heart disease; liver and kidney disease Lung disease Lowered sex drive Disruption of menstrual periods Constipation Click to Continue
Depressant withdrawals Nervousness Anxiety Inability to sleep If abuse has been prolonged, doctors may wean addict off of the drug Click to Continue
Narcotic withdrawals Insomnia Delirium Tremors Diarrhea Vomiting Convulsions and seizures Muscle and bone pain Craving for the drug Withdrawal from some depressants can be fatal without medical assistance This concludes our presentation