“The Phase I Group Attendance Project”
To increase engagement in and completion of Phase I orientation groups within the Methadone Program. Successful completion of the orientation groups is needed in order to transition to Phase II of the program.
Increase the number of Phase I Orientation groups offered per week as well as stagger the 4 group session topics (Blood-borne pathogens, Introduction to 12 Step Recovery, Addiction as a Brain Disease and Introduction to Medication- Assisted Treatment). OLD Schedule: Each of the four group topics were offered on one day a month (Tuesdays in the morning and afternoon). NEW Schedule: The four group topics were each offered twice a month in a varying order. (Groups were offered on Tuesday and Thursday both in the morning and afternoon).
Before the Change: May 2011 admissions took an average of 81 days to complete all 4 Phase I groups. Post Change: September 2011admissions took an average of 63 days to complete all 4 Phase I groups.
Adopt the Change! NEXT: ◦ Continue to measure average days to complete. ◦ Evaluate to monitor unintended consequences as a result of the change. EXAMPLES: Staff availability to facilitate groups, room availability
Increased retention and engagement in MAT programming. Increased continuation of services – more clients successfully transitioning to Phase II of treatment.