Gordon Pierce WESTAR Fall Business Meeting Tempe, AZ April 16, 2012
National Monitoring Steering Committee meeting held in Denver, Oct Presentation on most items at the Fall WESTAR Business Meeting Additional items have been discussed since last meeting
NO 2 ◦ “Phased Implementation Approach” going forward (formerly called the “Build and Hold” plan) 50 total sites in CBSA > 1 million 25 sites in 2012, to be operational by 1/1/2013 25 sites in 2013, to be operational by 1/1/2014 $200,000/site = $5 million/year (103 funds) ◦ Will assess data after 1 or 2 years and determine if additional sites needed or if need to do a rule change ◦ Look at near-road sites as the core of a multi- pollutant network ◦ The issue: Potential for legal challenges as does not meet CFR requirements…who takes the liability?
NO 2 Phased Implementation Approach Issues ◦ Inconsistency among EPA regions as to how to handle approval of network plans that do not meet CFR requirements for number of NO 2 sites by 1/1/2013 ◦ MSC has looked at 3 approaches: Put all network info into 1 plan for EPA approval Put everything but NO 2 in 1 plan and NO 2 only in a 2 nd plan for EPA approval, so EPA can take no action on the NO 2 plan Rulemaking to change CFR requirements ◦ NACAA has presented to EPA, and EPA is likely looking to do a rulemaking to stagger NO 2 site installation dates
Secondary NOx/SOx ◦ Rule has been issued…April 3, 2012 ( effective June 4, 2012 ) ◦ No change to existing secondary NAAQS for SO 2 and NO 2 ◦ AAI (aquatic acidification index) was being looked at, but decision made that not enough information yet ◦ Plans to do a field study Characterize NOy and SOx in 3-5 sensitive ecosystem areas Develop ecoregion-specific factors and AAI values Evaluate monitoring methods for NOy an SOx ◦ Plan is to use CASTNET sites PM ◦ New NAAQS proposal expected in June 2012
Upcoming: May 14-17, 2012 in Denver ◦ Full day of training on Mon. ◦ Full day plenary session on Tues and ½ Thurs ◦ Full day breakout session on Wes and ½ Thurs Please register/attend
MSC will be discussing and reviewing EPA’s draft recommendations regarding the PAMS re-engineering project Next MSC meeting July (after PM proposal is out and after National AQ Conference)