Events Guidelines Working together to develop global & local brand awareness October 2010
Taxand Brand Centre Username: TaxandBrandCentre Password: LivingtheBrand Taxand Brand Centre Username: TaxandBrandCentre Password: LivingtheBrand 1.Events Overview2 2.Events Tools3 3.Events Best Practice4 4.Taxander Compliance Checklist5 5.Key Contacts6 Contents 1
Taxand Brand Centre Username: TaxandBrandCentre Password: LivingtheBrand The annual flagship Taxand global conference is run by global marketing working with the local on- site team and is held in April Annual Taxand events sponsorships include MIPIM and the ITR Asia Forum Taxand global service line seminar programmes Taxand global webinar programme is in development Taxand client dinners series - roundtables around a chaired debate Taxand service line and regional meetings Taxanders worldwide are encouraged to speak at and attend all key industry events More and more bilateral /trilateral events are taking place throughout the year and are highlighted on – please send information to Any Taxand events involving more than 1 Taxand country should be globally branded and these guidelines are designed to give you a flavour of the tools and guidance available to you Events best practice guidelines are available to download at Events = client face time; networking opportunities; brand awareness; reputation building - please contact global marketing for guidance and support with the development of multi-territory events or to find out more about any of our events above It is essential for Taxanders to consult global marketing re the production of any globally branded event materials to ensure we do not dilute our brand equity Events Overview 2 1 Events Guidelines
Taxand Brand Centre Username: TaxandBrandCentre Password: LivingtheBrand Events Tools Events Guidelines 2 3 Events tools are available to help you plan your successful event while maintaining a consistent look and feel Save the Date template Invitation template Seminar Programme template Event presentation template & speaker guidelines Banners Taxand brochures and publications Brand Merchandise Taxand Film & Video Name badge template Evaluation survey template Follow up templates All artwork and files can be downloaded from Please send global marketing, E. your drafts for review
Taxand Brand Centre Username: TaxandBrandCentre Password: LivingtheBrand Timing: For an audience of 30 to 40 delegates the Save-the-Date should be sent at least 8 weeks before the event; the first wave of invitations should go at least 6 weeks before the event; the invitations should be sent from the client relationship owner Venue & Catering: Book an appropriate venue, with the right amount of space and excellent catering – it pays to get it right as many will remember bad food above anything else! Targeting: Make sure the programme is designed to attract the decision-makers – consider conducting an interesting survey across Taxanders in advance to be shared with delegates; stagger your invitations to make sure you get a final audience of key players across industry sectors Speakers: pick strong public speakers and make sure they rehearse! Please see speaker guidelines on the Taxand Brand Centre: Bespoke client meetings: Add value to your clients by setting up bespoke meetings with Taxander speakers to discuss specific client needs – hold them on the afternoon of the event Network: Assign Taxander speaker hosts to specific delegates on the day Status report: Annotate client business cards on the day and record their areas of interest in a Taxand status report template (visit then follow up (see final bullet below) Online delegate pack: send to global marketing to publish on and the and potentially use the material for PR purposes; also send a communication across Taxand encouraging Taxanders to send the information to clients; upload to websites etc. Follow up: Send follow up s with the online delegate pack link to no shows; those that were invited but couldn’t attend; and send tailored s with an evaluation survey (for templates visit to those on the status report and add them to Taxand’s Take and other newsletter mailing lists. Keep following up at regular intervals to close the potential lead. Keep the status report updated to measure ROI Events Best Practice 4 3 Events Guidelines
Taxand Brand Centre Username: TaxandBrandCentre Password: LivingtheBrand Taxander Compliance Checklist 4 Events Guidelines 5 Page √ Using the correct Taxand global presentation events presentation template3 Applying the Taxand logo across all of your materials including presentations 3 Sending information about your events for promotion on taxand.com2 Exploring potential PR opportunities 2 Using the Taxand global brochure in delegate bags and reception areas4 Arranging client meetings around them to maximise the opportunity4 Referencing Taxand when speaking at industry conferences beside your name and in your presentation eg Mukesh Butani, BMR Advisors – Taxand 4 Using the Taxand Vision Film and Taxand Video3 What about Events involving more than one Taxand country? Are you:
Taxand Brand Centre Username: TaxandBrandCentre Password: LivingtheBrand Key Contacts 6 5 Abbie Tarren E. T M Lynne Sandland E. T M
ABOUT TAXAND Taxand provides high quality, integrated tax advice worldwide. Our tax professionals, nearly 400 tax partners and over 2,000 tax advisors in nearly 50 countries - grasp both the fine points of tax and the broader strategic implications, helping you mitigate risk, manage your tax burden and drive the performance of your business. We're passionate about tax. We collaborate and share knowledge, capitalising on our collective expertise to provide you with high quality, tailored advice that helps relieve the pressures associated with making complex tax decisions. We're also independent—ensuring that you adhere both to best practice and to tax law and that we remain free from time- consuming audit-based conflict checks. This enables us to deliver practical advice, responsively. Taxand is a global organisation of tax advisory firms. Each firm in each country is a separate and independent legal entity responsible for delivering client services. © Copyright Taxand Economic Interest Grouping 2010 Registered office: 1B Heienhaff, L-1736 Senningerberg – RCS Luxembourg C68