The Facts 2007 sales were down 2007 order counts were down Profits suffered
2008 Not Looking Any Better!!!
Why choose Customer Appreciation Days Builds Excitement Immediate and long lasting For Customers and Crew Reinstate lost Customers Brings New Customers Increases Data Base!!!
The Plan Aggressive Pricing for 1 Day Keep It Simple Get back as many customers as you can handle
The Offer Medium Cheese Pizza Only $3.99 $1 a topping Order 2 or more for delivery
Why Mediums Using Medium Pizzas instead of Larges allows for a low price point and still make a fair profit Does not take away from the value of our Large Pizza
Why $3.99 Makes the phones ring Great upsell opportunities Allows for a fair PROFIT
What Day Of The Week? We choose Tuesday Early in the week Easier to pull help from other stores Does not cannibalize the weekend sales Aggressive Bounce Back Offer $8.99 any pizza Better opportunity for BIG SALES
What Time? All day long Spread out the rush Give the customers what they want
Action Plan 1st Attempt - 2 stores 12,000 Door Hangers 2,000 in Packer Cups Box Top Friday Through Tuesday 50 Real Estate signs 1 Banner Call-Tronics called 3,500 customers
The Results Store A $8,777 up 346% vs previous week 648 orders up 535% $13.87 average ticket 38% food 14% labor Bad Service Store B $6,630 up 250% vs previous week 511 orders up 315% $13.15 average ticket 38% food 15% labor Bad Service
Pie Hours Store A 11am140 12pm66 1pm60 2pm70 3pm130 4pm310 5pm305 6pm225 7pm88 8pm113 9pm29 10pm2 Store B
2 nd Attempt Split the Areas 2,000 Doorhangers all in Packer Cups Very little box topping to control where they went 50 Real Estate signs in designated areas 1 Banner Call-Tronics 2,000 calls in designated area
The Results Store C $9,335 up 219% vs prior week 661 orders up 316% $14.23 average ticket 35% food 16% labor Poor Service Store D $5,260 up 180% vs prior week 391 orders up 265% $13.95 average ticket 35% food 15% labor Good Service
Tuesday CAD RECAP $2,183 4 store average prior $7,500 4 store average for CAD 244% Increase Spent $1,600 per store for $5,317 increase in sales
Moved To Wednesdays GOALS Keep 2XTuesday Strong Have a HUGE Wednesday Still have a big weekend Spend less money Handle it
Wednesday’s Plan Split areas Doorhang 2,000 – 4,000 pieces No packer cups (too expensive) Call 2,000 customers Aggressive Bounce Back Offer $8.99 any pizza any size
Wednesday CAD RECAP $1,550 average Wednesday prior to CAD $4,552 average CAD up 194% Order counts up 363% $14.22 average ticket 34% food cost 18.5% labor GREAT SERVICE!!!!!!!
Overall 400 New Customers 500 Customers that ordered 2x that week Great Buzz with the customers Post CAD sales better than prior Team Members Love being busy
COST FLYERS $200 BANNERS $30 ($90 each, 3 uses per banner) Real Estate Signs $250 (we loose 25 a week) CALL – TRONICS.045 CENTS per call Doorhanger labor $200 FLYERS $200 BANNERS $30 ($90 each, 3 uses per banner) Real Estate Signs $250 (we loose 25 a week) CALL – TRONICS.045 CENTS per call Doorhanger labor $200 THAT’S IT!!
Real Estate Sign
KEYS TO SUCCESS! Bring in help from other stores (Managers, Assistants etc) Upsell One person one job Get Customer Phone Number and Name on all Carryout orders Designate terminals for Carryout Put Cokes up front (impulse buy) Manager able to float Stagger dough order (cold dough 8) Lots of change for all Carryout Hit all Businesses the day before (Menu and Flyer) HAVE FUN!!!
CALL – TRONICS - Phone Phone
Coupon Offers Period 9 Stats: New Customer Count: 9645 Total Orders: Orders With Coupons: Orders With Manual Discounts: 6811 Percent of orders that used a coupon is 42.84% Percent of orders that received a manual discount is 12.98% (Free Sandwich Samples) Percent of orders that paid full price is 44.18%
Wizard Reports CodeDescCount# NewCpn DiscCpn IFCNet $/OrderOrd IFCAvg GP Medium 1 Topping 22 Large XTuesday $37, %$ %$ Med2Top BOGOBuy 1 Get 1 Free $20, %$ %$10.61 PERManual Discount - Order $17, %$ %$5.54 STPSet The Price - Order965175$16, %$ %$9.16 SSSummer Sizzler823183$10, %$ %$13.00 DiscountDiscount - Order723141$9, %$ %$ Sandwich $ $ %$ %$ Sandwich, Chips, & 20oz $ $ %$ %$ Sandwich & 10" 1Topping Pizza $ $1, %$ %$ Lrg 1 Top each463107$8, %$ %$ Large Brooklyn 1 Topping Pizza $ $1, %$ %$ Sndwch & Lrge 1 Top $ $ %$ %$ Lrg 2Top, 1Brd, 1Wng, Large 3 Topping 7000Large 1 topping pizza $ $1, %$ %$11.24 LGLifeguard18221$2, %$ %$3.05