Bellwork: What do you fear the most? Are some fears more real than others? Explain. Content Objectives: We will demonstrate comprehension of narrative text by identifying elements of a plot in a graphic organizer. Language Objectives: We will read and discuss the “School Play” by Gary Soto and complete elements of plot diagram by using the terms: setting, character, exposition, plot, conflict, rising action, falling action, climax, resolution and theme.
The School Play by: Gary Soto
Pioneer (noun): a colonist or settler of a new land. Pioneer woman, or women who traveled west, cooked, gathered, and took care of the kids.
Stagger: (verb) to walk, move, or stand unsteadily (wobbly) The injured soldier had to stagger past the enemy camp carefully.
Prop: (noun) an object an actor using in a play Thanks to the safari props, the setting of the play looked realistic.
Smirk: (verb) to smile in an insulting way With an evil smirk, the terrible queen banished her opponent from the land.
Narrative: (noun) a story Maleficent is narrative about a fairy who was betrayed (back stabbed) by the one she loved.
Relentless: (adjective) refusing to stop or give up Relent: (verb) back down, give way, or change one’s mind The lion was relentless in pursuing (chasing) its prey.
Communal (adjective) used or shared by a group of people Parks have communal pools for all residents to use.
Auditorium: (noun) the area of a concert hall or school where an event takes place and an audience sits The Fordson High School auditorium was packed with students and parents who wanted to see the play.
Fluke: (noun)an accident with a happy outcome (ending); lucky chance Surviving the sand storm was a total fluke as I had never been in one before.
Prairie: (noun)grassland or plain (landform) The wild buffalo roamed the wide prairie.
Americans from the East gathered in Independence, Missouri and formed wagon trains to travel West. They hoped to find a better life there.