Financial Management State Conference July 2010
Purchasing Purchasing too much Purchasing high cost items Ordering the same amount each time No audit of invoices and payments
Purchasing continued Not obtaining quotes for off bid items Not specifying time frame on quotes Not using the budget as a planning tool
Receiving Theft by receiving person or delivery person Not marking invoices for damaged merchandise or goods not received Not tracking credits for returns/shorts Perishable foods left out of proper storage
Storage Foods improperly placed in storage Storage at wrong temperature No daily inspection of stored goods, especially perishables
Inventory No physical inventory Inventory not taken frequently Perpetual inventory system not reconciled to a physical count Staff unaware of food costs
Inventory continued Tip: Stagger inventory if time is a concern Week 1 Dry Storage Week 2 Frozen Week 3 Paper/Chemicals
Production Overproduction, overproduction, overproduction! Not adjusting for yield changes Excessive trim of fruits, veggies, meats Not maintaining complete production records
Food Quality Not using standardized recipes Wrong methods of cooking Cooking for wrong amount of time No schedule for food production Not batch cooking when possible
Service Not using standardized portions or using wrong utensils Not utilizing leftovers Carelessness (spillage, waste, cold food)
Sales Careless menu planning Lack of forecasting Pricing menu items too low Sending food without a count or the same amount daily (satellite sites)
Sales continued Unrecorded sales Uncollected charges Ineligible in-kind meals Employee meal costs
Questions or Comments?
Tradition: Just because you’ve always done it that way,
doesn’t mean you should