Shellfish Farming
Shellfish Farming “Our History”
Shellfish Farming Today Hatcheries and Nurseries
Oyster Life Cycle
Shellfish Farming Today Clams
Planting Clam Seed
Clam Nets
Shellfish Farming Today Oysters
3-4 years to maturity
Shellfish Farming Today Mussels
Mussel Lines
Shellfish Farming Today Geoduck
Geoduck Farm – Tubes Removed
Geoduck Harvest Dirty Jobs video, Diving, Music Video
Pollution What is Pollution? Pollution is when water, air, or land becomes very dirty.
Pollution Where does pollution come from?
Pollution Where does pollution come from?
Pollution How can you help prevent pollution?
Pollution How can you help prevent pollution? Why do you think pollution effects shellfish farming?
Shellfish Farming Environmental Benefits FILTER FEEDERS!! :) They eat plankton and pollution They make the water clearer Good habitat for other organisms Farming the Tidelands Clam demo
This map shows where water samples taken June 9 on the Samish River exceeded clean-water standards for fecal coliform. Red signifies more than five times the standard. Water Quality in Samish Bay
Western Washington’s Native American culture includes shellfish “Shellfish are central to the culture of tribes in Western Washington. Healthy shellfish populations and a strong shellfish industry mean a healthy Puget Sound. Shellfish also help keep Puget Sound’s waters clean. They have an important place in the Sound’s ecosystem.” Billy Frank, Chairman Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (used with permission)