Dear Mr. Henshaw Written by Beverly Cleary
Background Many awards (Newbury 1985, Notable Book of the Year 1983, Best Books 1983) Author, Beverly Cleary, wanted to create books that were exciting and a pleasure for kids to read. Beverly Cleary says the hardest part about writing is ‘getting started, because it’s easy to just keep putting it off.” 3 Accelerated Reader Points
Pre-reading Activities Check out the cover. Observe what you see and make predictions. Make connections with the title. Use background knowledge about other Cleary books you’ve read before.
Pre-Reading Activities Identify the advantages/disadvantages of keeping a diary/journal. Respond to questions in journal ( Have you ever felt alone? How does it make you feel? Have you ever been bothered by someone? What emotions did you have? Have you ever had an adult tell you something he/she would do something and it never occurred? Have you ever tried to write an imaginary story? ) *Locate the setting of the story
Setting-California Setting-California What do you know about California? Have you ever visited the state? Have you read other stories that took place in California?
Skills Previous reading skills (setting, summary, fact/opinion, plot, predicting, sequence) Higher Level- Drawing Conclusions, Inferences, Theme, Context Clues Writing responses-TQAA
Vocabulary May 12 th -Nov. 26th Refinery Gondola Antique Feedlot Nag Cab Enclosure Cater Mincemeat Diorama Potluck Thrift Shop Duplicate Amuse
Vocabulary Nov. 27 th -Dec. 25 th Fictitious Fussy Cautious Partition Logbook Halyard barrel Quiche Broker Loner Nuisance Canapes Duplex bandanna
Vocabulary Dec. 25 th -Jan. 31 st Snitch Pseudonym Retainers Tourists Hibernated Relieved mimeograph Nuisance wrath
Vocabulary Feb. 1 st –Feb 9 th Mildew Flit Bum Swore Quiver Blubber Stranded Sagebrush Tavern Reception Molest Herb Diesel Receiver
Vocabulary Feb. 15 th-Mar. 16 th Antique Flitting Grove Quivering Villians Description Insulated wire Hardware store Demonstration Invention Eucalyptus Trees
Vocabulary Mar. 17 th - Mar. 31 st Prose Fad Tortillas Disconnect Snoop Original Reserved Garbanzo Beans Honorable Forefingers Imitate Rejected Electricity Experimenting
Friendly Letter vs. Business Letter Characteristics:Characteristics
Reading Response Journals Write the different feelings you have while reading. Describe a certain character. Make predictions Create a plot map. Illustrate a Favorite Scene. Recreate the ending. Ask questions you have after reading. Did you make any connections with the book while reading?
Quiche Cooking Time!!! Can you read/follow a recipe? What reading skills do we use when reading directions?
Electricity Experiments 1. Light your Mini-Lamp 2. Insulator or Conductor?