September 6th, 2002 Lake Management Plans -What Now- Aquarius Systems’ Aquatic Plant Harvesting Seminar Craig Helker, Wisconsin DNR
Lake Management Plans What? What Now? Now What?
Lake Plans Formulate proactive strategies rather then reactive attacks Anticipate time and money Balance Lake Use Goals Publicize expectations
A Way to Look Before You Leap
Types of Plans Aquatic Plant Management Plan Lake Management Plan
What is an Aquatic Plant Management Plan?
An Aquatic Plant Management Plan has the following components: Goals & Objectives Lake Information Management Intensity Management Method Monitoring & Assessment Education Business Aspects
Goals –Broadly lists your lake’s desired accomplishments Nuisance Relief Protect and promote native plants Prevent introduction of exotics
Objectives –Lists specific tasks that need to be completed to achieve your goals
Lake Information Aquatic Plant Community Physical Characteristics Recreation and Aesthetics Fish & Wildlife Community
Physical Characteristics Delineate: Navigational Hazards Shallows (< 3 ft) Littoral growth zones (3 15 ft) Deep zones (> 15 ft)
Aquatic Plant Community Delineate: Nuisance exotic species Mixed nuisance growth Healthy aquatic community Restoration areas
Aquatic Life Community Delineate: Critical areas Outstanding areas Fair areas Minor areas Degraded areas
Recreation & Aesthetics Delineate: Intense recreation Moderate recreation Near-shore riparian use Resource based use
Management Intensity Prohibited Management Selective Management Nuisance Relief No Restrictions Restoration
Management Methods Harvesting –Manual –Mechanical Chemical –Selective –Contact Biological –Weevil Other –Drawdown –Dredging Generally Used in WI
Monitoring & Assessment Requirements –Quantitative information –Comparative from year to year –Objective –Presented to lake users –Feedback for plan modifications Critical to evaluate effectiveness and efficiency
Information and Education Very Important Educates lake users on ways to improve the lake Educates on management activities on the lake
What is a Lake Management Plan?
Lake Management Plans Identify issues that are of concern Set realistic goals, objectives and actions Identify needed funds and personnel
Information Used in Developing a Lake Management Plan Lake Data Watershed Information Land Use Lake User Surveys
A Lake Management Plan should include the following: Define Critical Issues Statement of Goals Implementation Steps Indicators of success
Who Develops the Plan Team Work –Lake Users –Lake Experts Focus groups –Funding –Communications –Zoning –Management Measures
What Now?
Start Planning Contacts –UWEX –DNR –WAL/NALMS –Planning Commissions Funding –Lake Management Planning/Protection Grants
Where to go for Planning Information? Your Aquatic Harvesting Program (WDNR 1997) Journal of Aquatic Plant Management University of Florida Aquatic Plant web page
Where to go for more Planning answers? Wisconsin Aquatic Plant Management Plan Manual (in development) – Comments welcome on draft outline (see me for copies) Minnesota Sustainable Lakes Planning Workbook
Now What?
Need a Plan? Start the Planning Process!
Have a Plan? Use It!
"Would you tell me which way I ought to go from here?" asked Alice. "That depends a good deal on where you want to get," said the Cat. "I really don't care where" replied Alice. "Then it doesn't much matter which way you go," said the Cat. - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland