Ramona Quimby Age 8 By:Molly
Characters… FRamona FBeezus:Ramona’s sister FMrs. Quimby:Ramona’s mom FMr.Quimby:Ramona’s dad FMrs.Waily:Ramona’s teacher FYard ape:Ramona’s non friend, Ramona’s friends, FWillow Jean,and pickie pickie:Ramona’s cat FRamona FBeezus:Ramona’s sister FMrs. Quimby:Ramona’s mom FMr.Quimby:Ramona’s dad FMrs.Waily:Ramona’s teacher FYard ape:Ramona’s non friend, Ramona’s friends, FWillow Jean,and pickie pickie:Ramona’s cat
The beginning… FRamonas dad went to school and worked at a grocery shop. He was there all day and her mom was at work all day so Ramona had to stay at Howies house so Howies Grandmother could baby sit her, Willow Jean and Howie.
The middle… FRamona tells Willow Jean that she is going to do sustain silent reading. Willow Jean thinks this is a special way of reading. Ramona cracks an egg on her head and she thinks that her teacher called her a nuisance but she really called the sticky egg cracking a nuisance.
The end… FWillow Jean now knows that sustain silent reading is just regular reading. Ramona had a book report with her friends and her friends were in the background. They all dressed up like cats and her friends meowed. She told a speech and she forgot the end because of Yard Ape made a mean smile at her. After class she asked her teacher why she called her a nuisance? Her teacher said you miss understood me and she really said the egg cracking was a nuisance. Ramona was relieved.
My opinion… FI thought this book was good because it taught a lesson about what you should do and what you should say if something is bothering you. Also don’t be embarrassed. I really liked it because it was a really helpful story. FIt was wikitastic! FI thought this book was good because it taught a lesson about what you should do and what you should say if something is bothering you. Also don’t be embarrassed. I really liked it because it was a really helpful story. FIt was wikitastic!