Odour offensiveness of a mink farm Dependence of annoyance spread on the size of a farm Milena Połeć Part of a master thesis carried out in the Laboratory for Odour Quality of the Air under supervision of prof. dr hab.eng. Joanna Kośmider Szczecin University of Technology Department of Technology and Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection Processes
Plan of presentation Introduction Aim and scope of the work Methodology Calculations of odour concentration in the ambient air in the surroundings of animal farms of various sizes –typical meteorological situation –calendar year Summary of the results
Introduction Complaints about odour nuisance of animal breeding and raising make 17% of all complaints about nuisance of economic activity (data from the year 1993).
In the year 1993 complaints about odour nuisance of fur farms made 6% of all complaints about nuisance of animal raising.
One can assume that nowadays the share of the complaints about this sort of animal breeding is even bigger. Recently complaints about mink farms, whose number is rising (4,5% of the world fur production), have been more and more recent. Mink breeding is most intensely developed in the north-western Poland (West-Pomeranian Province).
Legislative works do not catch up with farming development. In Poland an executive ordinanace of Minister for the Environment on standards of odour quality of the air and methods of its evaluation has not been published so far. One of the ordinance projects is based upon the rules similar to the ones determined in Germany at the beginning of 1990s. Way of an area development D 60 [ ou/m 3 ] T% existing state till according to an aim from A B2158 A2 – area of housing estates: detached housing, house of flats; area of service housing: housing connected with administration, health service, trade, religious cult, science, education, culture and art, rest; areas of recreation and rest: areas of holiday resorts, areas of children plays resorts, beaches, arranged parks and squares, greenery (beyond street ways), sport areas; B2 – agricultural areas: housing estates, farming estates; D 60 [ou/m3] – admissible level of odour substances in the ambient air, average value reffering to 60 minutes, T % – admissible freequency of D 60 exceeding [% hours a year].
Aim and scope of the work The considered aim of this work was to determine the size of the areas, on which the probability of a nuisant odour occurence exceeds the levels of 8 and 15%. The basis for calculations was the odour emission factor – determined by Mr Jacek Zdyb (median of a set of experimantal values collected in Strumiany): Fq od = 4,4 Gou / year x 1000 minks Calculations were conducted for six hypothetical mink farms with the stock of: , , , , and minks.
Methodology It was assumed that animal houses are arranged in squares of various dimensions (distances between the animal houses – analogically to NOREX Strumiany ltd.). Dispersion simulations were conducted according to a model recommended by the Minister for the Environment (program: Operat, PROEKO). Calculations of: – average concentrations c od,60-m [ou/m 3 ] in a stable meteorological condition (typical for the province) – probability of occurence of exceeding defined levels of c od,60-m [ou/m 3 ] in a year scale were conducted. The wind rose of Szczecin-Dąbie was utilised.
Number of observations = List of shares of individual wind directions % NNEENE EESESSE SSSWWSW WWNWNNW N 8,17 7,17 6,79 10,34 5,97 3,05 7,00 21,50 15,57 6,37 3,90 4,18 List of shares of individual wind velocities % 1 m/s 2 m/s 3 m/s 4 m/s 5 m/s 6 m/s 7 m/s 8 m/s 9 m/s10 m/s11 m/s 11,01 16,30 17,87 16,31 13,28 9,66 7,42 4,64 2,13 0,78 0,60
Results of odour concentration calculations c od,60-m [ou/m 3 ] in a stable meteorological condition: wind velocity: 3 m/s wind direction: WSW
minks wind velocity: 3 m/s wind direction: WSW
minks wind velocity: 3 m/s wind direction: WSW
minks wind velocity: 3 m/s wind direction: WSW
minks wind velocity: 3 m/s wind direction: WSW
minks wind velocity: 3 m/s wind direction: WSW
minks wind velocity: 3 m/s wind direction: WSW
In a meteorological situation prevalent on the area of the Province, average odour concentration exceeds the level of c od, 60-m = 0,1 ou/m 3 (environmental detection threshold) on the downwind side of a farm to the distances of: minks 200 m minks 500 m minks 700 m minks 800 m minks m minks m Conclusion 1
Results of calculations of probability of exceeding the recognition threshold in the year scale c od,60-m = 1 ou/m 3 Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose
minks Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose 1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 1 ou/m 3
On the area embraced by Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose the probability of exceeding the 1 ou/m 3 concentration is bigger than 8% in the belt of maximum 120 m surrounding the emitter. Conclusion 2
Results of calculations of probability of exceeding the environmental odour detection thereshold in the year scale c od,60-m = 0,1 ou/m 3
minks 0,1 ou/m 3 Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 0,1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 0,1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 0,1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 0,1 ou/m 3
Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose minks 0,1 ou/m 3
On the area embraced by Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose the probability of exceeding the 0,1 ou/m 3 concentration is bigger than: 8% in the distance from 150 meters to 660 meters, 15% in the distance from 100 meters to 450 meters, depending on the size of the farm. It refers to the area located within the range of prevalent SW winds. Conclusion 3
Number of minks Distance from the emitter boundary to the selected isolines [m] 15%8%
Conclusions On the area embrased by the Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose the probability of excceding the concentration of 1 ou/m 3 is bigger than 8% in the belt of 120 m wide surrounding the emitter. On the area embraced by Szczecin-Dąbie wind rose the probability of exceeding the 0,1 ou/m 3 concentration is bigger than: - 8% in the distance from 150 meters to 660 meters, - 15% in the distance from 100 meters to 450 meters, depending on the size of the farm. It refers to the area located within the range of prevalent SW winds. In a meteorological situation prevalent on the area of the Province on the downwind side of a farm, an average odour concentration exceeds the environmental detection threshold (c od, 60-m = 0,1 ou/m 3 ) at the distances: - to 200 m – for farms of 10 thousand minks, - to 1150 m – for farms of 110 thousand minks.
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