Field Olfactometry Odor Measurement R.C. Brandt, PhD, PE Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering The Pennsylvania State University Penn State Odor Assessment Laboratory UMES Odor Assessment Kick-off Training August 16 – 18, 2011 University Park, PA
How are Odor Samples Secured for Laboratory Olfactometry?
Field Olfactometer How is Odor Threshold Concentration Measured in Ambient Air?
Is Field Olfactometry a New Idea? Scentometer ® Research sponsored by the U.S. Public Health Service, 1958Research sponsored by the U.S. Public Health Service, 1958 Originally manufactured by Barnebey-Cheney Corp, early 1960’sOriginally manufactured by Barnebey-Cheney Corp, early 1960’s Now manufactured & sold by Barnebey and Sutcliff Corp.Now manufactured & sold by Barnebey and Sutcliff Corp. Photo image by St. Croix Sensory, Inc.
Dilution of Odor in Ambient Air Odor Source Ambient Air Observer Air Flow D/T Dilution-to-Threshold using Field Olfactometry Nuisance?
Original Scentometer D/T Interpretation D/TWord Category 2Noticeable 7Objectionable 15Nuisance 31Nauseating
How Are Odor Panelists Selected?
Chart image by St. Croix Sensory, Inc. Normal Population Smell Bell
Pen-Test Sensitivity History
Why Field Olfactometry? Advantages: On-site “REAL-TIME” measurement No need for sample collection Lower detection levels possible Relatively low cost Disadvantages: Does not provide emission rate Variable field conditions Personnel logistics
Multiple Assessor Repeat Observation Field Olfactometry Protocol
200 foot diameter manure ring Prevailing Wind Direction Use of Manure Rings for Assessment of Dairy Odors from Alternative Application Methods 10 foot wide swath of manure (6000 gal/acre) OdorPanel Advantages: wind direction 1.Eliminates wind direction as a primary source of variance distance 2.Maintains constant odor assessor distance from odor source
Field Olfactometry D/T versus Time
Use of Inventory Management to Mitigate Odor Emissions From Land-Applied Biosolids
B B AC Same letter indicates no statistical difference..... composited over time (α=0.05).
r=0.87 Sensory Comparisons - Odor Intensity versus Log BET 10
r=0.89 Sensory Comparisons - Hedonic Tone versus Log BET 10
r=0.92 Sensory Comparisons - Intensity versus Hedonic Tone
Use of Field Olfactometry for Quantification of WWTP Dewatering Facility Odors A 9B Penrose Avenue Interstate - 95
Field Olfactometry D/T (BET 10 )
Sensory Comparisons Odor Intensity versus Log BET 10 r=0.99
Sensory Comparisons Hedonic Tone versus Log BET 10
Swine Manure Odor Ring Study Log BET 10 and % odor Reduction
NR PERC Field Maps ppt27 W Layer House M E B Poultry House Odor Mitigation using Shelterbelt vegetation Fans Air Sample Locations
Field olfactometry results suggest shelterbelt vegetation may assist odor mitigation.
Field + Laboratory Olfactometry USDA-NRCS CIG Grant: Promoting adoption of innovative conservation cropping systems on livestock farms.
Field Olfactometry Indicates Shallow Disk Injection Reduces Dairy Manure Odors by 66%
Lab Olfactometry Indicates Shallow Disk Injection Reduces Dairy Manure Odors by 58%
Questions? Take-Home Point Field olfactometry works! This technology can provide vital information for high-value decision-making