Eagles rise far above the ground and see life from a broad perspective. They also know how to wait for the right moment to soar. Eagles do not travel in flocks, nor do they conduct themselves irresponsibly. The eagle is committed to that which he is destined to do, without concern for what is below him.
All students are expected to silently enter their homeroom. During silent homeroom, each student will be expected to read a book or to work on homework. Students will not be allowed to talk during homeroom. Silent homeroom will allow students to keep calm and carry on towards an awesome day!
All SMS Eagles are expected to: Enter all classrooms quietly. Sit in your assigned seat. Copy your agenda message (or E.Q.). Leave your agenda on your desk. Turn in last night’s homework (if assigned). Start on your warm-up activity.
Student agendas are a required textbook that will be utilized in each of your seven classes. The first student agenda was provided to you for free. If you lose your student agenda, you will be required to purchase a new agenda for $10.00 or a used one for $5.00. During The First Five in each class, all SMS Eagles will be required to write their subject area agenda message (inside of agenda). Each night, please have your parent/guardian to sign the bottom page of the student agenda. Your 4 th period teacher will check for these signatures once a week (on Wednesdays).
All students must have their student agenda with them at all times in the hallway. The SMS official hall passes are located towards the front and back of the student agenda. All students must use these hall passes, and must have a teacher’s signature. SMS Eagles are required to start filling out hall passes on the first page of the hall pass section, and proceed to the next line on the hall pass page.
All 8 th graders will have 3 restroom passes per nine weeks (per teacher). Use your passes wisely! ABSOLUTELY NO RESTROOM BREAKS DURING TRANSITIONS! All SMS Eagles are not allowed to leave their classrooms during The First Five and 10/10 Rule.
The SMS Student Discipline Log is the official document that is used school wide to enforce procedures and expectations for student conduct. Conduct Codes Agenda ViolationHorseplay Class DisruptionInsubordinate/Not following directions Dress CodeNuisance Items Excessive TalkingTardy Gum/Candy/FoodUnprepared for Class Other
1 st Offense: Warning or Apology Letter 2 nd Offense: Seat Change, Silent Lunch, Parent-Teacher-Student Conference (parent contact) 3 rd Offense: After School Detention, On- Team Seclusion (½ day for 1 st seclusion & whole day for 2 nd seclusion in the 8 th grade), and Parent Contact 4 th Offense: Office Referral
Lockers on the 8 th grade hallway will be mandatory. Information on locker rentals will be provided by your homeroom teacher next week. Hall lockers will cost $5.00. SMS Eagles are not allowed to share hall lockers. P.E. lockers will not be allowed for academic storage use throughout the day (binders, agenda, textbooks, etc.). Locker breaks will occur each week during: 1. Homeroom 2. 4 th period 3. Before last period
Book bags are not allowed in SMS classrooms, unless it is the last period of the school day. Please do not bring book bags to school, until you have rented an 8 th grade hall locker.
Nuisance items are defined as any item not allowed in SMS classrooms. These items create a disruption to the learning environment. Examples of the distracting items are: 1. Headphones/Ear Buds 2. Gum/Candy/Drinks/Snacks 3. Cell phones & other electronic devices 4. Drawstring bags 5. Toys 6. Combs/Brushes/Make-up