Ecology and Health Laboratory Department of Public Health University of Otago Wellington Kapiti Expressway hearing Mosquitoes around Waikanae … some field data & health concerns Dr M.McIntyre
Trapping: CDC (USA) surveillance std residential + peri-urban bush remnants + nearby paddocks ~ 2-wk intervals Oct-Apr Total sampling effort 998 trap.nights > mosquitoes Total mosquitoes Oct.-Apr location _____________________ Karori Belmont Waikanae _____________________ (Snell A. PhD thesis 2006 UOW)
Australian surveillance scale (Doggett et al 2001) Category no./trap.night Low <50 Moderate High Very high >1000 Extreme Waikanae (12 sites, 338 trap.nights) OctApril
1 Oct.Month 3 Apr Max. 5728
Weather Ppm airport (Data NIWA) Species breakdown
Introduced Aedes notoscriptus - “the striped mosquito” Culex quinquefasciatus - ‘Southern house’ mosquito (USA) Native Cx pervigilans – “vigilant mosquito” Ae antipodeus – bush mosquito, “the ‘singer” Coquellitidia iracunda – “the angry, mosquito” Cq tenuipalpus – rare, little known Maorigoeldia agyropus – probably extinct in area (Snell, Derraik, McIntyre 2005) Vector ability of some native spp tested in US lab for MAF Biosecurity (Kramer et al 2010) A bad disease record overseas! (Photo: Landcare Res)
Concerns standing water will extends breeding habitat planted wetlands + vegetation corridors + open water surface creates humidity corridors which facilitate adult dispersal exacerbation of seasonal biting nuisance adjacent homeowners - especially where low-lying irruption in favourable seasonal/weather conditions (flooding; ?drought) avian malaria in native birds future climate change & arbovirus threat Measures construction & planting of ponds ecological function pre-construction survey to establish baseline & best monitoring sites (seasonal timing important) construction period contingencies post-construction surveys development of contingencies
Warmer spring-autumn conditions will increase … mosquito breeding build up of virus – in mosquitoes (& wildlife – birds/possums) range & seasonal expansion of anthropophilic mosquitoes outdoor lifestyles / human exposures flooding/ drought episodes MfE predict o C … thank-you