2006 Trnsport Task Force Report Trnsport Users Group Conference October 22, 2006 Portland, Maine Jim Johnson, Florida DOT Chair, Trnsport Task Force
Presentation Outline Trnsport Task Force Overview Strategic Directions Maintenance and Support Enhancements & New Development NGT Development Status Conclusion
Trnsport Task Force Overview
Trnsport Mission The mission for Trnsport is to serve the operational and executive management information needs of the transportation agency associated with the development and management of construction projects. Trnsport Long Range Work Plan (LRWP)
Trnsport Licensees Trnsport Implementation Status
Trnsport Task Force Members Jim Johnson, Florida, Chair Tim Lindberg, South Carolina, Vice Chair Loren Lemmen, Michigan Todd Bergland, Minnesota Denis Glascock, Missouri Don Grayson, Mississippi Liz Wunderlich, Nebraska John Riedl, Oregon Barbara Scruggs, Virginia Trnsport Task Force
Task Force Meeting Participants Regular participants at our meetings: –Jim Ramsey, AASHTO Staff –Roger Bierbaum, Iowa, SCOJD Liaison –John Morden, Florida, T&AA Liaison –David Castleberg, Wisconsin, TUG Chair –Tom Rothrock, Info Tech –Margaret Andraka, Info Tech –Teresa Franklin, Info Tech Trnsport Task Force Meeting Minutes
Task Force Responsibilities Strategic Direction –Define Long Term Vision –Establish Product Objectives –Determine Annual Goals –Develop Marketing Plan AASHTOWare ® Policies, Guidelines and Procedures
Task Force Responsibilities Product Management –Prepare 5-year Long Range Work Plan (LRWP) –Establish annual budget –Prepare annual Maintenance, Support and Enhancement (MSE) work plan –Manage/direct contractor’s MSE operations –Determine operating platforms –Evaluate need for new modules AASHTOWare ® Policies, Guidelines and Procedures
Trnsport Task Force Operations Five meetings each year (plus the TUG) Other meetings as required –Presentations to potential licensees –SCOJD/Task Force Chairs meeting Numerous conference calls –Weekly NGT Teleconference –Monthly TTF Teleconference Countless s Subgroups Technical Review Teams (TRTs) Trnsport Task Force Operations
Trnsport Task Force Positions Try to Maintain a Pool of Candidates –Seeking individuals who are interested in serving on the Task Force One opening per year, on average Submit resumes anytime Must have approval from agency
Strategic Directions
Strategic Goals - AASHTOWare ® Maintain and Improve Awareness and Outreach Improve Customer Satisfaction Improve Current Software and Expand Offerings Improve our Process of Managing Software Development Explore and Develop New Businesses and New Approaches
Strategic Goals - Trnsport Business Goals –Align with the AASHTOWare ® strategic direction –Eliminate unnecessary boundaries between and within systems –Bring Trnsport’s value to a larger audience Executives, non-DOT personnel, mobile access –Reduce agency Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Implementation, support, integration
Strategic Goals - Trnsport Technical and Architectural Goals –Provide architecture that meets the needs of current and future customers Web-enabled, with loosely coupled tiers –Build a consistent, unified data model –Enable easier integration with other systems
Achieving Strategic Goals – Major Platform Shift Clients –Thick, installed client thin, web Browser –Unified look-and-feel –Easier deployment and support Business Processing –Clients and batch real-time business tier –Unified business rules and security model –Web Services for easier integration with other systems Data Storage –Still supporting Oracle and DB2 –Unified data model Supported by AASHTOWare ® Strategic Plan and IT Survey
Maintenance and Support
Trnsport Modification Requests (TMRs) Can be either Maintenance or Enhancement Maintenance TMR priorities are verified by the TTF –Urgent – can’t perform critical business function –Critical – prevents implementation or upgrade –High – major inconvenience –Medium – minor inconvenience –Low – nuisance
Maintenance During NGT Development To Maximize Funds Available for NGT: –Only Urgent and Critical maintenance TMRs will automatically be funded for correction –TTF will evaluate high priority maintenance TMRs on a case-by-case basis to determine whether a correction will be provided TMR Policy
Maintenance During NGT Development To Maximize Funds Available for NGT: –Medium and low priority maintenance TMRs won’t be corrected unless TTF approves an exception –Again - No formal TMR review this fiscal year TMR Policy
Platform and Release Support Challenges –Trnsport must not be either too far ahead or too far behind licensee environments –There is a limited amount of money available for maintenance, support and enhancements –The more platforms and releases we support, the more it costs
Client/Server Platform Support Supported Starting July 1, 2005 –Windows Server 2003 Supported Starting September 2006 –Oracle 10g Trnsport Platform Component Status
Client/Server Platform Support Support ended on June 30, 2006 –SitePad on Palm OS –Oracle 8i –DB2 7.2 –Pocket PC 2002 Support ending on June 30, 2007 –Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Trnsport Platform Component Status
Release Support Release versions become unsupported 12 months after the next full release becomes available
Warranty Provisions Regression failures (things that used to work) –Functionality working in the June 2005 and later releases is warranted in future releases for as long as the release is supported, up to 24 months (except for technology upgrades)
Enhancements & New Development
Enhancement & New Development Process Input –Trnsport Users Group ballot –Strategic direction –Licensee funding Managed by Task Force –TRT appointed whenever practical
Enhancements During NGT Development To maximize funds available for NGT: –TTF will not fund enhancements to the AASHTO-owned modules during NGT development, unless TTF determines an exception is warranted for the benefit of the Trnsport community Ballot is still very important –TTF will use as an indicator of priorities for NGT development Agencies may still fund TMRs
NGT Development Status
NGT - Status Short History –AASHTOWare Strategic Direction – WEB –Began Spring 2005 – VDOT Prework –2005/2006 MSE User Involvement –Sets Standards for Future Functionality –Unified Database –Uniform Business Rules
NGT User Involvement NGT Preview Site –Functioning Application –Online Help NGT Forum TAG Reviews –Preconstruction thru Award –Others Planned ListServe Task Force
NGT Progress To Date Schedule and Cost Increase? –Original Schedule Based on Incomplete Scope –Some Revised Business Rules –Includes New Functionality Beyond C/S –New Development Methodology –Includes All Identified Backlog Items
NGT - Current Status Continue to Work on Backlog Establishing Technical Review Team –Resumes Due November 13, 2006 Beta Release – Fall 2007 –Need Beta Sites –Agency Resources for Beta period First Full Production Release – Spring 2008 –Incremental Releases Possible with Development Process Used Being Reviewed by TTF
NGT - Current Status Kansas DOT Pre-work –Desires to Move from Mainframe –Doesn’t Use All Functionality –Working to get Release Out Agile Methodology Allows This Delivery Issues – License
NGT Preconstruction What Comes Next? –Funding, Funding, Funding –Schedule Funding, Funding, Funding –Need to Identify Backlog (Requirements) For Other Functions Funding, Funding, Funding
Software Quality Constant Testing During Every Sprints Software Must Meet ‘done’ Criteria New Warranty Language Included 10.5 Warranty Period A release will be warranted for as long as it is supported by AASHTO.
NGT Compatibility Existing Modules –Interfaces will be needed until we have all modules updated to NGT architecture –Continue Support for Customizing –Impact Assessments 508 (ADA) Compliance (Fully or Partially) –Has Impact on Licensees –Has Impact on Budget
Pending New Development Civil Rights and Labor Management System (CRLMS) –To be built as a new module using NGT architecture –Solicitation on Street Now – Commitments Due October 27, 2006 NGT Materials –Michigan Funded Some Prework –Proposal and Solicitation Package in Works (April 2007) TRACER, Phase 2 Project Scheduling and Management System (SPMS)
We’re Making Progress Trnsport continues to grow, adding new functionality and progressing with new technologies Remains a robust suite of software modules Current licensees adding modules Other states and countries are looking at Trnsport to meet their needs Next Generation Trnsport development underway
How You Can Help Stay informed –Information on Cloverleaf –Task Force meeting minutes Keep the Task Force informed –Cloverleaf NGT Message Board –Keep agency status reports accurate –Complete surveys distributed by TTF Keep up with current releases
It’s All About Cooperation By continuing to work together, we can insure that Trnsport will fulfill its mission –Trnsport Users Group –Users Group Board of Directors –Trnsport Task Force –AASHTO Staff –Trnsport Contractor
2006 Trnsport Task Force Report For further information, contact any Trnsport Task Force member