The forests are very important for all the animals and plants that live there. A forest also acts as a barrier against pollution, regulates the cycles of water, as well as serving for the timber industry.
If you look closely, during a walk, you can discover many things in the undergrowth you can find many kinds of flowers and animal tracks on the ground
It 's very nice to see a forest with changes of the four seasons, when changing colors of the leaves, shrubs, grass. If we listen carefully we can hear the voices that are there in the woods, the wind that whistles through the branches of the trees, the birds singing and silence
Decalogue of the forest 1-In the forest you walk with caution and in silence. 2 - When most people you should follow all the same path in single file. 3 - Always follow, when possible, the sentierei already drawn, without trampling the vegetation. 4 - Who precedes must move aside the branches that obstruct the path to the starting position and then accompanying them not to hit the face of those who follow. 5 - You should not rip or cut plants or branches strattamente except when it is necessary. 6 - You should avoid collecting animals and plants. 7 - Do not EVER give up any waste in the woods or along the trails. 8 - You do not have to light fires, except in places where it is allowed, or drop cigarette butts on the ground or lighted matches. 9 - Do not affecting bark or branches with engravings: the plants will suffer to death In undisclosed locations or in very dense woods need to bring along a compass or a map.
Here are the rules of a good naturalist: respects their nests and dens, even the simplest plant has an important role. Shut up: if you scream or listening to music the animals get scared and hide.
not light fires in the woods can be very dangerous do not leave rubbish remember that the wood is also your
Nature is your home tattoo a tree is just a sign of disrespect, the plant is alive and suffering
Leave the flowers to their environment, insects, butterflies. If you encounter an animal does not bother him. Do not light fires.
A radio too loud unm is a nuisance for everyone, especially for the animals.
Take your dog with you in the woods but remember to keep it on a leash \
Wood and his animals Disegno di Rossana cl 5°
Don’ t cut the tree
The Earth is my home. I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful. I will love the land, the air, the water and all living creatures. I will be a defender of my planet. United with friends, I will save the Earth.
We want save the nature