Storytelling & Destination Branding THE DANISH CASE “TALES OF THE LIMFJORD” Anette Therkelsen Tourism Research Unit Aalborg University TRU seminar 15 April 2010
Outline Background ▫5 Nordic case studies Purpose of Danish case study Theoretical framework Analysis – ”Tales of the Limfjord” ▫characteristics of storytelling practices ▫stakeholder relations Future research perspectives
Background: A Nordic Project A two-year NiCe-sponsored project: ”Storytelling and Destination Development” Purpose: Can stories be used for developing and marketing Nordic tourism destinations and make them more attractive on international tourist markets? Partners: Handelshögskolan BI, Oslo, Norway Hanken Svenska Handelshøgskolan, Vasa, Finland Icelandic Tourism Research Centre, Akureyri, Island University West, Trollhättan, Sweden Aalborg University, Denmark
Purpose of Danish Case Study Investigate whether the storytelling project ”The Tales of the Limfjord” is instrumental in branding the Limfjord as a tourism destination ▫Internally (stakeholder perspective): management, stakeholder involvement, ownership ▫Externally (market perspective): market communication, storytelling events
THEORETICAL MODEL - STORYTELLING AND DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT STAKEHOLDERS (local/non local) STORYTELLING PROCESS OUTCOME OF STORYTELLING PROCESS (year 1, 2, 3…) DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT A - Initiators - Decision makers - Owners A Agenda setting - Theme - Stories / participants - Target groups - Financing Further concept development - Storyline & comm. - Servicescape design - Number & type of storytellers/locations - Packaging Marketing output - Earnings - Number & types of guests - Media coverage Inter-organisational outcome - Cooperation - Knowledge & skills Economic - New ventures - Extend season - Destination brand Socio-cultural - Employment - Training - Infrastructure - Image & identity Environmental Strengthen / weaken / no change B Steering committee Combination of A & C stakeholders B Design of storytelling concept - Storyline - Servicescape design - Program/ packaging - Market comm. - Souvenirs C - Storytellers - Location providers - Service providers C Implementation - What? How? Where? - When? Why?
Data 12 interviews w. stakeholders & storytellers 6 observations of storytelling events ”Tales of the Limfjord” Launched 2005 Niche product 34 stories in the main season 5 themes 5000 visitors pr. year (2009) Target group: Danish couples 45+
Storytelling in Tales of the Limfjord Story content & composition ▫Facts (mediated through fiction) ▫Place attachment ▫Walk & talk – engaging breaks ▫Beginning-middle-end + dressing up ▫Stories enhanced by taste of products The storyteller ▫Place belonging & pride ▫Passion and personality ▫No manuscript – adjust to tourists ▫Personal contact & interaction w. tourists
Single stories or overall story frame Single stories sought connected through broad themes No overall story frame that brands the destination
Storytelling in Tales of the Limfjord Product level ▫The individual stories have many qualities ▫An overall story framework non-existent Promotion level No storytelling based promotion No strategic destination branding effort – WHY?
THEORETICAL MODEL - STORYTELLING AND DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT STAKEHOLDERS (local/non local) STORYTELLING PROCESS OUTCOME OF STORYTELLING PROCESS (year 1, 2, 3…) DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT A Initiators & Decision makers Tourist offices Politicians Museum A Agenda setting 5 broad themes Stories identified by tourist 0ffices Financing: tourist offices not storytellers Target groups: DK 45+ Further concept development Limited – top-down info Marketing output Limited earnings 5000 guests at x events Inter-organisational outcome Coop. bxt. A & B Top-down info from A/B to C No coop bxt storytellers Knowledge & skills Use & exchange of local knowledge among A & B Limited generation of new knowledge Use of knowledge among C, no exchange Economic - New ventures - Extend season - Destination brand Socio-cultural - Employment - Training - Infrastructure - Image & identity Environmental Strengthen / weaken / no change B Steering committee Not a combination of A & C stakeholders B Design of storytelling concept No overall storyline No servicescape design Programming through themes Market comm. not integrated w. product C Storytellers Museums, nature guides, private companies, local volunteers C Implementation Individual stories Elements of servicescape Programming not practised
Further research perspectives Storytelling & experiences ▫Before, during, after -framework ▫Co-creation Communicative strategies of storytelling ▫Building a storyline (message, phases, characters) authenticity (facts/fiction), semiotics (icon, index, symbol & myth-making) Knowledge dynamics of a storytelling network ▫Use/generation of knowledge, local/distant knowledge,mobility/anchorage of knowledge