1 Revise for GCSE History: A Divided Union? The USA, This is the sixth of six revision topics. The impact of the Second World War McCarthyism and the “Red Scare” Civil Rights in the USA, The “New Frontier” and the “Great Society” Protest movements in the 1960s and 1970s The Watergate Scandal and its impact George W Bush Senior Richard M Nixon
2 Revise for GCSE History: A Divided Union? The USA, There are four sections to this topic. What caused the Watergate Scandal? What effects did the Scandal have? Did the scandal seriously weaken the USA? What were Nixon’s other achievements?
3 Revise for GCSE History: A Divided Union? The USA, What caused the Watergate Scandal? 1972 Burglars were caught in the Democrat’s election HQ at the Watergate Complex, bugging phones and photographing documents. They were members of CREEP (Committee to Re-elect the President). Nixon was probably not involved. Two “Washington Post” reporters, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward uncovered the link to CREEP. The FBI became involved and discovered the dirty tricks used by CREEP. Nixon tried to cover up his knowledge of the events. “There can be no whitewash at the White House”. Nixon had taped all conversations in the Oval Office. Eventually forced to hand over the heavily edited tapes. They contained foul language and ethnic insults. He resigned when he faced impeachment for lying. Nixon is the only President to have resigned. He was later pardoned by Gerald Ford.
4 Revise for GCSE History: A Divided Union? The USA, What effects did the Scandal have? Americans lost confidence in the President and the government. Presidential power reduced. The War Powers Act, 1973: President had to consult with Congress before sending troops into a prolonged action. The Election Campaign Act, 1974: set limits on campaign contributions. The Privacy Act, 1974: Citizens could have access to any files that the government held about them. The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, 1974: The President could not use government money for his own purposes.
5 Revise for GCSE History: A Divided Union? The USA, Did the scandal seriously weaken the USA? Yes Scandals in the USA are still called “gate”. Destroyed Nixon’s reputation and overshadowed his many achievements. Undermined public confidence in politicians. Jimmy Carter elected. Damaged to reputation of and confidence in the USA abroad. Magnified the loss of confidence after losing in Vietnam. No Proved that the legal system in the US worked. Led to a series of measures to control presidential power. Cleaned up politics. Effects short lived – Carter very popular.
6 Revise for GCSE History: A Divided Union? The USA, What were Nixon’s other achievements? Social and Economic: More black Americans in politics and college. Failed to control prices, despite reducing taxes. Increased welfare benefits, but rejected proposals for child care centres. Abroad: Got the US out of Vietnam through Vietnamisation. Improved relations with China and the USSR.