Our Heritage or Young Roots? Developed skills Learned about heritage Changed their attitudes and/or behaviour Had an enjoyable experience More people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage Better interpreted and explained BUT, who is the heritage partner?
What is the Heritage? Why is the heritage important? Is the heritage focus clear? Which HLF outcomes will your project address? Is the project well planned? Will it be well managed? Is there a need and demand? Does your project represent good value for money? What is the benefit to the public? Risk How we assess your application
Question 3b. Explain what need and opportunity your project will address Who had the idea for your project? Have you run a pilot? Is your heritage at risk? Tell us if you have identified a gap, and ask heritage organisations to tell us as well Provide letters of support from schools, youth or community groups and heritage organisations with your application (up to 6) Can take any format: Films Letters Pictures Facebook discussions screen shots Need and demand for funding
What can weaken an application? Try to avoid these common trip ups: Lack of heritage focus - activities which are too arts focused Heritage topic too broad Insufficient information in the application Poor evidence of need, and a lack of supporting letters Learning not addressed or no costs for learning activities Project audience too narrowly focused Project appears unmanageable Budget does not represent good value for money No project enquiry advice Inconsistencies
Project plans For applications under: Our Heritage (grants of £10,000 to £100,000) & Young Roots (grants of £10,000 to £50,000)
Project Plans (Appendix) This is where you tell us about the things that your project will do and produce. When filled in, the table should give you and your colleagues a realistic project plan. Include: Description of all project activities Who will benefit? What will you produce? Will people gain new skills and experiences?
What?When?Where?Who? Who is it for? What will you achieve? Organise and deliver some guided walks throughout the year depending on the number of poeple interested in the project. We start the wks at the beginning of the project and will run 3 a year. Actvities will take place at the CHGT Propkect partycipant General public especially targeted towards local elderly people The guid walks will help people to understan d their local wildlife. Project Plan Activity What are your thoughts about this project plan?
What?When?Where?Who?Who is it for? What will you achieve? Set up project steering group Set up in January Meetings held every 3 months throughout the project. Project Office at Gardens Trust Project manager 5 Members of Gardens Trust organisation, 2 representatives from the volunteer centre and 1 local teacher Create a group to help run the project. Representatives from this group will also sit on interview panels. Is this one better? Crawley Historic Gardens Trust (CHGT) research project
Your turn… Your organisation is planning a project in which you will record 20 oral histories. These interviews will be undertaken by volunteers recruited to the project. What do you need to put in the project plan? What?When?Where?Who?Who is it for? What will you achieve?
Detail required in budget For example; Cost HeadingDescription£ VAT you canno t claim back Total £ Equipment and Materials Recording equipment for Oral History £ Microphones £40 each Volunteer training. 3 days with Oral History £350 per day1,0500 You can add in extra lines to the budget, for more detail
Budgeting tips Remember to include: Evaluation, contingency, VAT and inflation if your project is over 2 years Stick to our headings Fill in the description box, and include numbers Make sure the budget adds up Volunteer time / in kind costs goes in a separate table, not in the budget Partnership funding is helpful, but not essential for grants under £100k. If you have it tell us if it is secured Check everything in your project plan is in the budget We assess value for money make sure it’s not too arty and that your staff costs aren’t too high, You must tender, post award for anything over £10K
How can the development team help? Provide advice and support before you apply Project enquiry form/ expression of interest forms available on our website
HLF project enquiry service Initial heritage idea Read HLF’s guidance notes, case studies, ‘Thinking About…’ Submit a pre-application form online at Get a written response within 10 working days Grant surgery Develop idea Apply
Contact Us London Michael Murray Norma Pearson Helen Bottomley Debbie Shipton