The Paris Peace Conference
Vocabulary: Total War Fourteen Points Bolshevism Realpolitik Self-determination League of Nations Reparations Collective Security
Important People: Lloyd George Woodrow Wilson Georges Clemenceau Kaiser Wilhelm II Vittorio Orlando Emperor Taisho/Hara Takashi
Aims and Goals: background issues Aims and goals were fueled not only by war but by pre-war hopes and dreams Countries that wanted independence or that at revolted needed to be addressed Things that need to be considered: 1. The Bolshevik Revolution: new political philosophy in Europe(feared by some) 2. Great Empires shattered: A.H., Ottomans 3. A Few Decide: Britain, France and U.S. (Democratic)
Aims and goals con’t… 4. The war was big on every level: even concepts, “war to end all wars” “To make the world safe for democracy”… 5. Popular opinion, propaganda and the media 6. Wilson and his 14 Points: assumed that war could be prevented if people made the effort
The Aims of the participants… There were two different approaches 1. new order of international relations for permanent peace 2. desire to punish those who had caused conflict and to get compensation I need help thinking of people to represent this concept…Mean Girls, Heathers…I need a genuinely nice example??
The United States - Wilson The desires of the US were expressed by the 14 points Reflected ideals of democracy and self-determination Lacked specifics Set up League of Nations (forum to settle disputes) Some punishment of Germany and then they could join the League Wilson was in Paris for a very long time which took a toll at home
The United Kingdom: Lloyd George A house divided: Britain fell into two categories 1. Traditional British Foreign Policy -elimination of the German fleet -end of German Empire -defeat German plans for control of Europe -return to normal European relations, restore British economy to fight Bolshevism -no involvement in alliances (except Alsace-Lorraine for balance)
U.K. And the Second Camp: non-traditional Wanted a declaration of German war guild Wanted Germany to pay extensive reparations $$$ This reflects some campaign promises…
France… France was very afraid of Germany’s growing power France suffered 2 million dead and wounded during war France territory had suffered as a major battle zone So France wanted to weaken Germany: Disarmament Territory reduction Heavy reparations to weaken economy Wanted alliance with UK and US
Italy… Simple: territorial gains Wanted territory that had been promised when they entered WWI Not fans of self-determination if it impacted them Walked out when denied rights to Dalmatian Coast territories (promised)
Japan… Did not like self-determination and wanted to secure a larger empire for security and economic reasons Japan wanted German territories in China Japan wanted to be “in” with the major players
Germany… Germany asked for an armistice in Oct. 1918, they had not been defeated or invaded at the time Some influence of Wilson’s 14 Points… Germany was not invited to the Conference as they were after Napoleonic Wars in 1815 Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated and they established a democratic republic in hopes to gain sympathy
…the French people knew what they wanted to write into the treaty of peace-revenge… …”compensation for all they had suffered, and guarantees that a similar war would never happen again… For four years they had believed that the only good German was a dead German. Now they felt that the only safe Germany would be a crippled Germany…” Williamson, D. 2003. War and Peace: International relations 1919-1939, p. 23.
And your homework… Because we do not have books yet…I will re-issue a weekly reading/outline chart Due Friday: Select a speech from one Allied leader prior to the PPC. Answer the questions: 1. what promises did the leaders make? 20 pts 2. compare the promises/expectations set with their position at the PPC. 20 pts 3. Was the public aware? How did they react? 20 pts Don’t forget to cite your sources!
Metacognition and reflection journal… Reflect on the following: Should Germany and the other “losers” have attended the PPC? How do you personally feel about war? Peace? Revenge? Think of a short playlist for the PPC…mine starts with Summertime Sadness and then goes to Shattered by BDOD… maybe throw in HELP by the Beatles…