INTENT Congress has vowed that if there is ever another BRAC round, it will definitely not be like the last one. Concern that DOD’s proposed legislation for a new BRAC authorization does not include new ideas to fix problems experienced by local communities from previous rounds with property disposal delays, disagreements in environmental clean-up efforts, and bureaucratic hurdles. Building upon ADC’s work to date to identify those issues and to propose remedies, this session is intended as a storming session to clarify and prioritize specific goals for legislative changes in the BRAC law to improve the support provided by DOD to communities.
THE NEXT BRAC PROCESS NEEDS TO: Focus on expediting communities’ economic recovery by reducing bureaucratic steps that cause major delays. Set aside the Redevelopment Act/McKinney Act or develop a method to calculate a total contribution to homeless providers based on a percentage of land sale proceeds. Require improved environmental site characterization and access to information so that redevelopment planning can occur with full knowledge of the risk and opportunities. Enable environmental services cooperative agreements to manage costs, expedite transfer of property, and accelerate community planning. Ensure federal environmental and resource protection laws do not impede economic recovery.
THE NEXT BRAC PROCESS NEEDS TO: Reinforce the government’s commitments before and after property is transferred to the community. Require DOD to maintain minimum levels of maintenance on closing installations until the point of transfer. Protect and ensure federal indemnification and similar environmental protections remain in place and prevent attempts to weaken or circumvent this obligation.
THE NEXT BRAC PROCESS NEEDS TO: Recognize the uniqueness of base closure property actions by sustaining DoD property disposal leadership, but consolidating the services’ separate activities into a single entity in order to: Create a clearly identified single mission which sunsets upon mission completion Increase property disposal institutional capacity through a single professional entity Ensure consistency and common regulatory interpretation Conserve federal resources by reducing administrative costs
THE NEXT BRAC PROCESS NEEDS TO: Provide adequate financial support to recognize the hardships communities face and provide investment to jumpstart a speedy recovery Strengthen the role of OEA Prioritize the relief of community impacts for Congress and the Administration throughout the process. Develop a separate BRAC pool for economic development programs to ensure a priority for federally impacted communities Bring together agency programs into a joint effort (i.e. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) that ensures federal coordination Include facility maintenance and caretaker costs as part of base closure funding; create a single fund for all BRAC sites Ensure adequate environmental funding that allows redevelopment projects to move forward
THE NEXT BRAC PROCESS NEEDS TO: What is the single biggest cause of delays to economic recovery? What is the single biggest cause of delays to economic recovery? What can be done to accelerate the LRA’s masterplan development? What can be done to accelerate the LRA’s masterplan development? How quickly can planning grants be provided? How quickly can planning grants be provided? Should the LRA run the federal screening process? Should the LRA run the federal screening process?
THE NEXT BRAC PROCESS NEEDS TO: Reinforce the government’s commitments before and after property is transferred to the community. Require DOD to maintain minimum levels of maintenance on closing installations until the point of transfer. Protect and ensure federal indemnification and similar environmental protections remain in place and prevent attempts to weaken or circumvent this obligation. Where do the commitments waver? Where do the commitments waver? Who determines a safe condition? Who determines a safe condition? When does the Government responsibility for security of the property and infrastructure cease? When does the Government responsibility for security of the property and infrastructure cease?
THE NEXT BRAC PROCESS NEEDS TO: Recognize the uniqueness of base closure property actions by sustaining DoD property disposal leadership, but consolidating the services’ separate activities into a single entity in order to: Create a clearly identified single mission which sunsets upon mission completion Increase property disposal institutional capacity through a single professional entity Ensure consistency and common regulatory interpretation Conserve federal resources by reducing administrative costs Should OSD set up a central office with regions? Should OSD set up a central office with regions? What Service-unique factors would need to be considered? What Service-unique factors would need to be considered? What is the advantage of allowing the Services to maintain their respective BRAC property disposal offices? What is the advantage of allowing the Services to maintain their respective BRAC property disposal offices?
THE NEXT BRAC PROCESS NEEDS TO: Provide adequate financial support to recognize the hardships communities face and provide investment to jumpstart a speedy recovery Strengthen the role of OEA Prioritize the relief of community impacts for Congress and the Administration throughout the process. Develop a separate BRAC pool for economic development programs to ensure a priority for federally impacted communities Bring together agency programs into a joint effort (i.e. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) that ensures federal coordination Include facility maintenance and caretaker costs as part of base closure funding; create a single fund for all BRAC sites Ensure adequate environmental funding that allows redevelopment projects to move forward What or who defines “adequate”? What or who defines “adequate”? How should Economic Development Conveyances be enhanced? How should Economic Development Conveyances be enhanced? What limitations on financial support actually help LRA’s? What limitations on financial support actually help LRA’s? What can be done to ensure financial support is not wasted? What can be done to ensure financial support is not wasted? Should the federal government provide tax incentives? Should the federal government provide tax incentives?