The Relationship Bank Account The Stuff that Life is Made of
Mastering Relationships To master relationships you need to master yourself – Most important ingredient in any relationship is WHAT YOU ARE You need to be INDEPENDENT – “I am responsible for myself and I can create my own destiny” You also need to be INTERDEPENDENT – “I am a team player and I have power and influence with people”
The Relationship Bank Account Represents the amount of trust and confidence you have in each of your relationships Can make deposits and withdrawals Strong, healthy relationships are a result of steady deposits made over time Withdrawals from your relationship accounts weaken the relationship
The Relationship Bank Account You have a RBA with everyone you meet Once you open a RBA with another person, you can NEVER close it In a RBA, deposits tend to evaporate and withdrawals tend to turn to stone – YOU MUST MAKE CONSISTENT DEPOSITS IN IMPORTANT ACCOUNTS TO KEEP THEM POSITIVE
The Relationship Bank Account RBA Deposits – Keep promises – Do small acts of kindness – Be loyal – Listen – Say you’re sorry – Set clear expectations RBA Withdrawals – Break promises – Keep to yourself – Gossip and break confidences – Don’t listen – Be arrogant – Set false expectations
Assignment #5—Part 1 Pinpoint when and where it is most difficult for you to refrain from gossip. Is it with a certain friend, in the lunch room, or another time? Come up with a plan of action to avoid gossip
Assignment #5—Part 2 Think of a situation where you and another party have different expectations. Their expectation: Your expectation: Plan to get “on the same page”: