1996: OBI’s year of birth
The 90’s… …the gap between banks and enterprises
OBI’s Mission
The Company Lending Institutions Public Institutions Entrepreneurial System
Regione Puglia Regione Basilicata Confindustria Puglia Sicilia Calabria Basilicata Ance Puglia Ance Basilicata Comune di Lecce Partners
OBI’S ACTIVITIES Research Monitoring Studies
Structural Report “Congiuntura Mezzogiorno” GDP/Occupation Report
European Projects AQUIFALC - “The eagle and the falcon fly toghether”
European projects in progress Triple Mezzogiorno European Union Best Practices for Public Finance Management in Central and Local Governments
OBI realizes also specific studies on order, from Institutions, banks and local government, as: Survey on crisis areas – Ministery of Economic Development Survey on bureaucratic iter to invest - Regione Basilicata Survey on industria district TAC (Tessile Abbigliamento Calzaturiero) – City of Lecce