WHAT IS YOUR TOPIC, SUBJECT, PURPOSE OR ESSENTIAL QUESTION? TEAM 6 Research, Writing, and Publishing Guidelines My major topic or subject is _____. I am most interested in finding out more about___ and ___.
SOURCES One of the best places to start gathering information is an encyclopedia. Library Reference Books Science: textbooks and specific topics Geography: textbooks, almanacs, and atlases English Language Arts: textbook, novels, newspaper, magazines, etc. Web Sites .org.gov.edu Digital Images/Graphics and Sound Clips discoveryeducation.com
WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? PLAGIARISM is the use of other people’s words and ideas without an explanation of where these words and ideas came from. Plagiarism is dishonest and is grounds for failure on a paper or in a class with possible dismissal from school.
Is This PLAGIARISM? Original Source: Most medieval homes were cold, damp, and dark. Sometimes it was warmer and lighter outside the house than within its walls. For security purposes, windows, when they were present, were very small openings with wooden shutters that were closed at night or in bad weather. It was sometimes warmer and lighter outside medieval homes than within the cold and dark walls. Windows were very small if they existed at all. “The Middle Ages: Homes.” Learner.org. Annenberg/CPB. 6 Mar. 2008
How to Avoid Plagiarism Summarize and paraphrase often when taking notes. Put your sources away when you draft and use only your notes. Use several sources and document them correctly. Put quotation marks around someone’s exact words. If you use specific phrases that someone else wrote, you must credit the source. Credit the source by introducing ideas with phrases like “According to” or “The author believes…”
Paraphrase and Summary Note Taking As you read your sources, look for information that answers your question (purpose). Quote: Copy the word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph exactly. Put quotation marks around what you write. Paraphrase: Restate the ideas in your own words. Summary: Record only the most important ideas from the text. DOCUMENT your SOURCE of information before you take any notes.
WORKS CITED Also called a Bibliography Page, this lists in alphabetical order (by author’s last name) the sources you have used in your report. The information should be double-spaced. The second line will be indented 5 typed spaces. Titles of the source will be written in italics. STYLE/FORMAT MLA Modern Language Association APA American Psychological Association
Encyclopedia Structure: Author Last name, first. “Section title.” Encyclopedia title. Edition. Volume. City published, State: Publisher, Year published. Pages. Print. Citation: McGhee, Karen, and George McKay. “Insects.” Encyclopedia of Animals. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, Print.
Reference Book Structure: Author (last name, first). “Specific Topic.” Title of the book. City published, State: Publisher, Year. Pages. Print. Citation: Bardhan-Quailen, Sudipta. “Crystal Garden.” Last-minute science fair projects: when your bunsen’s not burning but the clock’s really ticking. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing, Inc., Print.
Website Structure: Author last name, first. “Website article.” Website. Published, Date published. Web. Date accessed.. Citation: Salaikar, Bhakti. “Water aerobics.” Buzzle.com. Intelligent Life, Inc., 22 Sept Web. 3 Nov / / GOOGLE, YAHOO, and BING are search engines.
Digital Images and Sound Clips Structure: Photographer Last, first. Photography name. Year created. Photograph. Website or Publisher. URL. Electronically published. Date accessed Structure: Recording title. Band/group name. Producer. Year Produced. Contributors: Singer, Writer, Performer, (First Last). Media: Compact Disc, MP3, Cassette, Vinyl Recording
WORKS CITED Microsoft Word References Select Style MLA (Language Arts) APA (Science and Social Studies) Select Format Manage Sources NEW—select all bibliography fields INSERT BIBLIOGRAPHY
Transitions Transitions are used to help connect main ideas and supporting details and connect paragraph to paragraph. Transitions that develop main ideas Transitions for Similarities & Differences Transitions for Time Order of Sequence Transitions for Cause and Effect also in addition to for example another example including furthermore on the other hand however but in contrast to this is shown by first, second, etc. next after then finally before as a result of consequently due to if
AVOID USING PRONOUNS What is a pronoun? A pronoun is used in place of a noun. A pronoun can refer to a person, place, thing, or idea. A pronoun can be used in a complex sentence IF you have already used a specific noun in the sentence. Iyouhesheitwethey meyourhisheritsourthem myselfyourshimhersourstheir ustheirs
Proofreading, Editing, and Publishing Careless errors in spelling, grammar, and usage can weaken a potentially strong paper/presentation. Correct misspelled words—don’t rely on the computer to catch all of these errors. Correct sentence fragments. Listen to someone read your paper aloud. If they struggle with reading this smoothly, then you might need to revise. Avoid using pronouns in your writing. Check to see if sources have been cited correctly. Save your work often.