As described above, there is something special that happens when a woman with normal spiritual abilities makes an effort to get to know a man who is spiritually
and psychologically vulnerable and psychologically vulnerable. When they are together, she is allowing him to "pick up" her subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings. Even though it does not develop into what most people would
call a serious relationship, the positive spiritual energy that he picks up from her during the short periods of time when they are together "overrides" his own damaged spiritual structure with her spiritual structure
(he merges with her spiritually [but only in a weak sort a manner]) (he merges with her spiritually [but only in a weak sort a manner]). While the woman will be having a strong effect on his thoughts and feelings, she would probably be able to have "relationships" with three
or four men like him simultaneously or four men like him simultaneously. Each of the men would, like him, feel that this woman was having a strong effect on them. She might enjoy the company of these men, but she would not be overwhelmed emotionally
by any of them. If she did have "relationships" of the type described above with four spiritually and psychologically vulnerable men simultaneously and was asked to compare the feelings that she picked up
from these men, she might comment that she noticed that even though all of the men sought out her company, she sensed negative spiritual energy coming into her from them. She might say that one
or two of them seemed to be exchanging more negative spiritual energy with her than the others were, but that the percentage of negative spiritual energy that each of them was exchanging with her was much higher than the
percentage of positive spiritual energy that each of them was exchanging with her. She would not think there was any basis for her to have a serious relationship with any of the men because she would only be interested
in having serious relationships with people who were capable of exchanging larger amounts of positive spiritual energy with other people than negative spiritual energy.
Spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people might imagine that another person must care deeply about them (or is possibly guiding them subconsciously) because they can sense that they are
exchanging quite a bit of spiritual energy with that person (possibly more spiritual energy than they have ever exchanged with anyone else). When they finally realize the manner in which they have been
misinterpreting the situation, it will not be easy for them to "swallow their pride" and admit that they have a lot less control over their subconscious thoughts than they previously thought was the case. But while spiritually
and psychologically vulnerable people have trouble admitting that their relationships with members of the opposite sex might be based on a false foundation, their relationships with members of their own sex
can be even more dangerous and potentially damaging to them than are their relationships with members of the opposite sex. It is natural that there is more competition between
members of the same sex than competition between members of the opposite sex. Early in life, spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people are sometimes taken advantage by members of their own sex
who they are competing with and sometimes members of their own sex do unfair things to them that steal their spiritual power and that gives their spiritual power to the person who took advantage of them. When this happens
the one who stole the spiritual power from the more vulnerable person immediately starts to view the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person as a potential threat. They are afraid that
the person who they stole the spiritual power from is going to try to regain (or take back) the spiritual power that was stolen from them. This situation creates tension between the one who lost their spiritual power and the
person who stole that spiritual power person who stole that spiritual power. The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person will feel a certain amount of anger (hostile spiritual energy) coming into them from that person who
has now started to distrust them has now started to distrust them. They will be confused by these feelings of anger that are coming into them. They will get confused in a similar manner to what they feel when they sense that they are exchanging
spiritual energy with a person of the opposite sex spiritual energy with a person of the opposite sex. This will happen because they sense that something magic is taking place (because they will sense that another person's spiritual energy is coming
into them), but they will not understand the nature of what is happening. The confusion that a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person feels when they sense
hostile spiritual energy coming into them from a member of their own sex can potentially cause spiritual and psychological damage. Even though the hostile spiritual energy coming into them is not very strong by normal
standards (because the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person is not capable of strong exchanges of spiritual energy with other people), it may seem strong to them. That destructive
spiritual energy can have a strong effect on this person spiritual energy can have a strong effect on this person. If someone told the person who was sending this hostile spiritual energy to the more vulnerable person how much this destructive spiritual energy bothered the
more vulnerable person, they might be surprised more vulnerable person, they might be surprised. They might comment that they send large of amounts of destructive spiritual energy to other people all the time (much larger than the amounts of anger that they
feel they are sending to the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person). In fact, they might comment that they don't really think that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person has much
capacity for exchanging spiritual energy with other people and that this person could not possibly be receiving a very large quantity of destructive spiritual energy from them.
While the man, in this example, who stole the spiritual power will be having a strong effect on the thoughts and feelings of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man, he would probably be able to
have similar "relationships" with three or four men like him simultaneously. If this were to happen, each of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable men would feel that this man was having a strong negative effect on them.
He, on the other hand, would not be overwhelmed emotionally by any of them. He would feel that he was only exchanging a relatively small amount of spiritual energy with each of the men. But if he were asked to compare the hostile
spiritual energy that he was exchanging with each of these men, he might comment that he noticed that even though all of the men were exchanging hostile spiritual energy with him, he was exchanging larger
amounts of hostile spiritual energy with one or two of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable men than he was with the others. In the same way that a spiritually and
psychologically vulnerable person might start to imagine that a person of the opposite sex (who they are exchanging spiritual energy with) might be giving them more subconscious spiritual guidance than this person is
actually providing, the same person might start to imagine that a person of their own sex (who they are exchanging hostile spiritual energy with) might actually be capable of hurting them more spiritually and psychologically than they
actually are capable of doing actually are capable of doing. With the person of the opposite sex they subconsciously "add to" the feelings they get when they exchange spiritual energy with the other person and they make it into something
more than it actually is more than it actually is. With a person of their own sex they also might "add to" the feelings they get when they exchange hostile spiritual energy with the other person and they might make it into something more than it actually is.
Subconsciously "adding to" the feelings a person gets when they exchange spiritual energy with a person of the opposite sex might give a person a feeling of happiness. But it is interesting to speculate what
might happen when a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person subconsciously "adds to" the feelings that they get when they exchange hostile spiritual energy with a person of their own sex who
has a reason to want to hurt them (a person who fears that the more vulnerable person might try to take back the spiritual power that was stolen from them). The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
person might start to believe that the other person is exchanging a lot more hostile spiritual energy with them than they are actually are. This situation might very easily make the spiritually and psychologically
vulnerable person feel unhappy and might even weaken them to the point where they might become sick. When this sort of thing happens, a combination of the relatively weak hostile spiritual energy that the
spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person is exchanging with the person who stole their spiritual power and the "adding on" that is done by the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
person might be what is creating the feelings of unhappiness and the feelings of physical weakness that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person is experiencing.
As described earlier, when a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man meets a new woman who is willing to exchange spiritual energy with him, he might transfer the spiritual energy that he received from
women like her who he knew in the past to the new woman women like her who he knew in the past to the new woman. He may find the spiritual energy that he exchanges with the new woman to be better and stronger than the spiritual energy that he exchanged
with any of the other women such as her who he knew in the past (and she might find the spiritual energy that she exchanges with him to be stronger and more intense than any of the other low level [and largely negative]
exchanges of spiritual energy that she has experienced with other men like him in the past). In the same way, when a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man meets a new man who likes to steal spiritual power
from other men, he might transfer the hostile spiritual energy that he exchanged with men like him who he knew in the past to the new man. The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man may find the spiritual
energy that he exchanges with the new man to be more hostile and more destructive than the spiritual energy that he exchanged with any of the other men such as him who he knew in the past (and the new man might find the
hostile spiritual energy that he exchanges with the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man to be stronger and more intense than any of the other low level (and largely hostile) exchanges of spiritual energy
that he has experienced with other men like him who he knew in the past. But like with the woman in the example above, when the man who likes to steal spiritual power from other men becomes aware of the
high levels of hostile spiritual energy that he is exchanging with the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man (a man who is normally only capable of weak spiritual exchanges with other people), he might become alarmed
and he might decide to cut back on the amount of hostile spiritual energy that he is exchanging with the more vulnerable man. A lot of people are beginning to realize that there is a lot of
falseness in the world and for this reason they are starting to want to only experience things that are real. For this reason it is likely that the people who are capable of strong and positive exchanges of spiritual energy
with other people will increasingly be cutting back on their low-level exchanges of spiritual energy with people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable.
But rather than viewing this possibility as a threat, people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable should try to view what is happening as an opportunity to potentially move on to something that might be
better for them. They might now have a chance to start building something for themselves that is much better and that is much more real than what they had in the past.