A GRI SPECIAL REPORT An Analysis of Global Current & Future Events Part 2 of a 5 part series: Global Research Initiative
RUSSIAN PREPARATIONS FOR WAR Part 5: What can be done Global Research Initiative Part 1: The Plan (When, Why & Who prepared it and its outline) Part 3: Chinese Preparations for WAR Part 4: How Soon ? Part 2: Russian Preparations for WAR Addendum: Additional Confirmations
If Russia and China are truly preparing to initiate a war, then we should see specific “moves” that indicate this. From observing these “moves” we might get an indication of timing. (How soon before the trigger is “pulled.”) WHAT TYPES OF WAR PREPARATION “MOVES” ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved3 GRI
1. PREPARATION BEFORE the war/battle is often THE KEY to winning the war/battle. 2. DEFEAT OR WEAKEN YOUR ENEMY BEFORE YOU ENGAGE THEM MILITARILY. (critical objectives can sometimes be won without a fight.) 3. MISDIRECTION, MISINFORMATION & DECEPTION can win a battle/war. (example D-Day, Vietnam War, & recently the Russian invasion of Georgia) 4. SURPRISE is a very powerful weapon. 5. DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. (make them blind, deaf and dumb) Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved 4 GRI
6. CONTROL OF VITAL SUPPLIES & SUPPLY LINES (Control of chokepoints) is essential. (Securing yours…and controlling/destroying your enemies.) 7. IF POSSIBLE, DEPLOY SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGY. A single Superior Weapon can win the entire war/battle. (atomic bomb example.) 8. ELIMINATE YOUR ENEMIES POTENTIAL ALLIES …while securing your own th Column behind enemy lines Never underestimate the power of agents & spies among enemy forces, to misdirect, confuse, demoralize, sabotage, etc. 10. ATTACK WITH OVERWHELMING FORCE. Better yet…attack where there is no enemy force to defend. (convince your enemy to move his army as far away as possible from where you plan to actually attack) Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved 5 GRI
REMEMBER The best way to win a war is to win/achieve your objective…without having to actually fight a war. (Intimidate, Bluff, Trick, Assassinate, Coup, Seduce/Convert to an Ally, Economic warfare, Fifth Column agents, etc.) IN SUMMARY … If you must fight…Attack with OVERWHELMING FORCE when your enemy LEAST EXPECTS IT, Where/When it is WEAKEST, When/Where it CANNOT GET HELP from allies or receive critical supplies, and WHILE IT CANNOT COMMUNICATE (blind-deaf-dumb). Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved6 GRI
IN CURRENT MODERN WARFARE, “OIL” IS THE MOST CRITICAL SUPPLY OF ALL SUPPLIES. Without it, no troops move, no planes fly, no tanks run, no supplies are delivered, etc. In essence, without oil (gasoline/diesel/jet fuel)… a modern army CANNOT FIGHT A WAR. Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved7 GRI
HE WHO HAS THE GOLD…RULES OIL is currently the black GOLD of this modern world Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved8 GRI
If you want to rule the world… then you must control the energy of the world. Currently, the energy that the world runs on is… OIL. Controlling the oil…means that you can win wars, control production/manufacturing, and even control food production, and distribution... thereby controlling all aspects of the population. Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved9 GRI
2 Critical Questions: Who controls the oil now? (who produces & exports oil) Who needs to import oil?
Top Ten Oil EXPORTING Countries (2008) 1. Saudi Arabia (8.73 million barrels per day) …26.12% 2. Russia (6.67) …19.96% 3. Norway (2.91)…8.71% 4. Iran (2.55)…7.63% 5. Venezuela (2.36)…7.06% 6. United Arab Emirates (2.33)…6.97% 7. Kuwait (2.20)…6.58% 8. Nigeria (2.19)…6.55% 9. Mexico (1.80)…5.39% 10. Algeria (1.68)…5.03% Anti-US Moderate Arab Countries US Friendly Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved11 GRI
RUSSIA BECAME THE #1 OIL PRODUCTION & EXPORTING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!! Additionally…Please note… this was the list up until November 2009 HOWEVER… in December 2010…( just 45 days ago)
Top Ten Oil IMPORTING Countries (All potential allies except China) United States (11.8 million barrels per day) Japan (5.3) China (2.9) Germany (2.5) South Korea (2.1) France (2.0) Italy (1.7) Spain (1.6) India (1.5) Taiwan (1.0) Anti-US Moderate Arab Countries US Friendly Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved13 GRI
Russia has extensively developed its oil/natural gas reserves and production over last 20 years. U.S. has curtailed almost all development of oil/natural gas reserves and production over last 20 years. Russians have developed a lot of Oil production/EXPORT “friends” over last 10 years. During last 10 years, the U.S. has Lost MANY oil production friends. Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved14 GRI
Let us review the Current situation of oil production and supply for Europe, Russia and the Middle East. This area controls/supplies 80% of the world’s oil production.
Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved Major Oil Fields In EUROPE, RUSSIA, & MIDDLE EAST Account for approximately 80% of oil production in world Russia Belarus Uzbekistan GRI
Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved Russia & “Controlled” Allies (As of end of 2008) Russia Romania Bulgaria Belarus Kazakhstan Armenia GRI
In the last ten years Europe ’s reliance on Russian crude exports has grown from around 12 percent of total crude imports to around 31 percent in (45% from Middle East, 23% from Norway) EU oil imports are set to grow by an additional 29% by 2012 with Russia imports growing to 55% or more of the total. Europe now depends upon Russia for 44% of its natural gas (30% Algeria, 25% Norway); By 2030, over 60% of EU gas imports are expected to come from Russia with overall external dependency expected to reach 80%. Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved18 GRI
Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved Major Russian Controlled/Owned Pipelines To Europe/China from Russia EU Pipeline Russian Pipeline China Pipeline Russia Romania Bulgaria Belarus Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan U.S. /Joint Pipeline Armenia GRI China
Copyright 2008 Roger K. Young--All Rights Reserved Major Oil Pipelines To Europe from Russia & Norway EU Pipeline Russian Pipeline China Pipeline Russia Romania Bulgaria Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan U.S. /Joint Pipeline Armenia GRI Belarus