COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Leonardo guarantees simply ingenious key cutting!
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Electronic automatic key-cutting machine for flat cylinder and vehicle keys, and cruciform keys*. ** * Keys to be cut only with the 4-sided clamp provided
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Provided with a special incorporated loader, it represents the ideal solution for professional key cutters who need to copy large quantities of keys. Leonardo combines precision and ease of use and offers high quality results due to its innovative functions and laser technology.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Main Features Innovative and practical design Ergonomic Easy intuitive use Maximum precision in key cutting Safe devices to safeguard the operator Special devices to safeguard the internal parts of the machine Conformity to CE standards
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Main Features Compact Simple in use Fast key-cutting times Maximum quality key cutting tolerance on copy for spaces and depths is +/ mm Key reading by means of an electronic optic device: - absolute precision and reliability in reading the key cuts; - original key is protected as there is no contact with it. 395 mm 535 mm 360 mm
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Main Features Four-sided clamps for housing a wide range of keys with different features. Keypad with retro-illuminated display: ergonomic and situated on the front. Automatic Loader operating without compressed air. Automatic counting function of the cut keys at the end of each cutting cycle.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Technical Characteristics Clamps Four sided reading and cutting clamps for housing a wide range of keys with different features: SIDE A: Flat Keys with depth up to 3,7 mm SIDE B: Flat Keys with depth up to 2,7 mm SIDES C and D: Car Keys.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Technical Characteristics Safety Buzzer with different sounds for end of cycle (=cut key ready) and alarm status (=machine stopped, inspection required) Semi-Transparent safety shield to protect the operator, with microswitch control. Emergency stop push button conveniently situated on machine front. Work Area Neon lamp to illuminate work area (“ON” with machine on). Basic 9-key keypad, with retro-illuminated 4x20 character display. Two side trays for excellent swarf collection.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Main Features Semi-automatic Gauging System Leonardo has a semi-automatic gauging system for both the standard and semi- automatic clamps. This allows the operator to make the necessary adjustments in the event of discrepancies in tolerances, using a series of simple operations guided by instructions shown on the key-cutting machine display.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Key Loader – Technical Characteristics : Operates without compressed air. Special powered clamp to automatically secure the key to be cut; interchangeable with the basic four- sided clamp. Automatic detection of special clamp for the automatic loader. Cutting data storage. When the original key has been read, the machine stores the data in its memory so that any number of copies can be made.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Key Loader – Technical Characteristics: Functions – Performance Key stacker for 20 to 30 keys (max.), adjustable according to key dimensions. Dedicated device to ensure key stop position in the special clamp. Automatic removal device for single keys. Special powered clamp, with automatic opening and closing to release/secure the key to be cut. Mechanical slide for automatic collection of the cut keys.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Automatic Loader – Operating Characteristics Dedicated device to ensure key stop position in the special clamp.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Automatic Loader – Operating Characteristics Key stacker for 20 to 30 keys (max.), adjustable according to key dimensions.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO TECHNICAL DATA Power supply 230V - 50 Hz Cutter motorSingle phase, 1 speed CutterIn high speed steel (HSS) Movementson 2 axes with ball screws driven by step motors on rectified roller guides and ball bushes Standard clampuniversal 4 sided clamp for flat, vehicle and cruciform keys Automatic clamp (for Leonardo with loader unit only) Automatic clamp for flat keys Runs X axis: 74 mm Y axis :45 mm Dimensionswidth: 395 mm, depth: 535 mm, height: 360 mm MassKg 50 (with Loader Unit) Kg. 43 (with Standard Clamp)
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Cutting Method Cutting of copies with the following functions: Copy from an original Copy with adjustments
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Cutting Method Copy from an original For simultaneous reading of original keys and key cutting (approx. 25 sec. for flat keys with 5 pins). The optic reader makes it possible to simultaneously read the cutting profile and cut the key blank.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Cutting Method Copy with adjustments Used to make manual adjustments to very worn keys or to eliminate imperfections in the cutting depth and/or pitch of the original key. For reading original keys and cutting copies: approx sec. for flat keys with 5 pins.* * Excluding time needed by the operator to set up adjustments.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Technical Characteristics Movements Automatic movements on the X and Y axes. Electronic movement control by step motor Software Machine software with user friendly menu and advanced machine test functions. RS232 serial port for connection to a personal computer for updating.
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group LEONARDO Technical Characteristics Standard Accessories Standard prismatic cutter in HSS steel Full set of accessories for use and maintenance Automatic key loader Universal 4-sided clamp Optional Accessories Hard metal cutter
COPYRIGHT SILCA SpA 2005 Silca is a member of the Kaba Group Thank you!