CSS Central: Central Management Utility Screen View Samples Next
Creating Database (1 of 2) NextBack Step 1 Choose a machine that you wish to run CSS Central on. This is normally the Network Administrators machine. Install Command AntiVirus, then install CSS Central. Step 2 Open CSS Central and go to FILE/NEW, choose a useable name and then click CREATE
NextBack Step 3 You'll notice that CSS CENTRAL has created a new Database [in this case the database is called CSS CENTRAL DEMO.CCA] Creating Database (2 of 2)
NextBack Configure Downloads (1 of 4) Step 4 Next step is to Configure how CSS Central downloads files and where it is to store them. So, go to AUTOMATIC UPDATE, CONFIGURE DOWNLOADS. There are three tabs: SITES, DIRECTORIES and PROXY SETTINGS. Select the SITES tab (default)
NextBack Configure Downloads (2 of 4) Step 4 ( Continued) Click on “ftp.commandcom.com/products/commercial/csscntrl/ “ and then click on EDIT - Enter your Username and Password in the relevant sections. Click on “ “ and then click on EDIT - Enter your Username and Password in the relevant sections. It should now look like this
Configure Downloads (3 of 4) Step 4 ( Continued) O nce done, Click on the DIRECTORIES tab In the STAGING directory enter a path (normally local drive). This is where CSS Central temporarily stores files that have been downloaded. In the AUTOMATIC UPDATE directory, enter the UNC PATH for your Server location from which the Command AntiVirus files will be stored and deployed from. Click OK [CSS Central will now create the directories] NextBack
NextBack Configure Downloads (4 of 4) Step 4 ( Continued) Once done, Click on the PROXY SETTINGS tab If you need to bypass the Proxy Server at your location (as it normally blocks PORT 2412), change the settings in here to bypass.
NextBack Automatic Update & Scheduled Downloads Step 5 Next is setup the downloading. In the top main menu select AUTOMATIC UPDATE then SCHEDULED DOWNLOADS... There are two tabs: 1 - SCHEDULED DOWNLOADS 2 - IMMEDIATE DOWNLOADS Start with the SCHEDULED DOWNLOAD tab Simply use the PULLDOWN menu to select which file(s) you need to download (or download and deploy) on a SCHEDULED BASIS. Once done, click on the SCHEDULE button at the bottom to specify the time the download(s) is/are to take place. You may have more than one time set.
NextBack Automatic Update & Scheduled Downloads Step 5 ( continued ) Next, look at how to do a download now using CSS Central. Select the IMMEDIATE DOWNLOAD tab Simply use the PULLDOWN menu to select which file(s) you need to download (or download and deploy) then click on DOWNLOAD NOW or if you wish to download the file(s) you specified in the SCHEDULED DOWNLOAD tab, simply click on COPY SCHEDULED SETTINGS then click DOWNLOAD NOW...the download will start...
NextBack Manage Downloaded/Deployed Files Step 6 If you selected DOWNLOAD only then you now need to deploy. So, in the main window select AUTOMATIC UPDATE then MANAGE DOWNLOADED/DEPLOYED FILES To deploy the file(s) to your Server, select the file(s) you need to deploy then simply press DEPLOY FILES. The file(s) will be moved to the Server (as per the UNC path you specified) and then extracted ready for use. Once done you can select DELETE FILES if you wish or keep them in case you need them again.
NextBack Manage Downloaded/Deployed Files Step 7 Once deployed, you need to amend the SETUP.INI before you roll it out to your Workstations/Servers. In the main window select AUTOMATIC UPDATE then MANAGE DOWNLOADED/DEPLOYED FILES, then select DEPLOYED FILES tab. Use the PLATFORM PULLDOWN menu to select the Operating System you downloaded the file for.. It will detect the version you have downloaded and deployed. Now select the EDIT INI button to edit the SETUP.INI file to your requirements... Amend any option as required then SAVE. NOW, the files are ready to be deployed to your workstations....
NextBack Manage Downloaded/Deployed Files Step 8 Setup is now complete so you need to deploy Command AntiVirus to the workstations/servers There are several ways to do this initial installation: Add a line to the logon script. your workstations a Loader Program Manually execute the Loader at each workstation Add a line to the logon script. If it is a Novell login script, add the following line: #COMMAND \drive\path\LOADER32.EXE If it is a Windows NT login script, add the following \drive\path\LOADER32.EXE (where \drive\path\ indicate the AutoUpdate directory ) ---or--- your workstations a Loader Program (See next slide)...
NextBack Step 8 ( Continued ) Open CSS Central, then REMOTE INSTALLATION / SEND INSTALL TO... your workstations a Loader Program (1 of 2) Step 8 ( Continued )...then your address book will appear [requires MAPI Compliant Package]. Choose which users to send the install to and click OK… you can now leave the default message it generates or amend to suit your needs, then click OK
your workstations a Loader Program (2 of 2) Step 8 ( Continued ) The recipient(s) will receive an from the Sender. The recipient(s) double clicks the icon and chooses to run from its current location. This will start the installation....or...Manually execute the Loader at each workstation Simply browse to the Automatic Update directory and double click on the LOADER32.EXE NextBack
For the very best in Anti Virus Protection Back End Visit Commandsoftware.com now For further information, full documentation can be obtained from our web site at commandsoftware.com... Command Software Systems, Inc 2001