FW upgrading over UART Using STEVAL-IDW001V1 (Wi-Fi evaluation board) SPWF01S Wi-Fi modules FW upgrading over UART Using STEVAL-IDW001V1 (Wi-Fi evaluation board)
FW upgrading over UART SW tools Flash Loader Demonstrator http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/PF257525 STEVAL-PCC018V1 (UART to USB bridge) STEVAL-IDW001V1 (Wi-Fi eval board) JP3 RESET SPWF01SA.11 (Wi-Fi module) Flow description Put jumper on JP3 as in the picture (pulling high (3.3V) BOOT0 pin signals “firmware download” mode) Run the Flash Loader Demonstrator (UART Baud rate 115200) Specify the 8002800 as starting address. ATTENTION! BE CAREFUL TO SPECIFY THE RIGHT ADDRESS Specify the file to be downloaded (i.e SPWF01S-140805-3f58d6b-RELEASE-main.bin) Follow the steps (default) until the end of the process - see step by step guide on the next page Remove jumper from JP3 (Pull low (GND) BOOT0 pin) Reset the dongle Open a terminal emulator (Baud rate:115200 / Data: 8 bit / Parity: none / Stop: 1 bit / Flow control: none) and restore default settings typing AT command in brackets (AT&F)
Flash Loader Demo Step by step guide Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4