This work is funded by the Inland Northwest Research Alliance INRA Constellation of Experimental Watersheds: Cyberinfrastructure to Support Publication of Water Resources Data H51H-0858 Abstract 1 Over the past several years, researchers at universities affiliated with the Inland Northwest Research Alliance (INRA) have been collecting water resources datasets at a number of experimental watersheds in the western United States. Experimental watersheds in the INRA region span a number of climate, human development, and disturbance gradients, and researchers are investigating several different research themes, including snowmelt responses to climate change, groundwater - surface water interactions, modeling of hydrologic response, land use change, and arctic river processes. Integration of data from these watersheds will facilitate cross-site comparisons and large scale studies that synthesize information from diverse settings, making the network as a whole greater than the sum of its parts. In this poster, we describe efforts towards establishing and supporting the INRA Water Resources Consortium Constellation of Experimental Watersheds (ICEWATER) Information System Network. The goals of the ICEWATER Information System Network are: Establishment of a common information system for data sharing, analysis and archiving, building upon and extending the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System Establishment of a common modeling framework to facilitate sharing and model interoperability Establishment of common base characterization datasets such as digital elevation models (DEMs) from LIDAR, land cover and land use from remote sensing, that provide detail beyond nationally available information. ICEWATER Data 3 Accessing ICEWATER Data Using HIS 6 Publishing Data using the CUAHSI HIS Server Software Stack 4 The CUAHSI HIS Server provides a standard software stack for publishing hydrologic data. WaterOneFlow Web Services: The WaterOneFlow web services provide a platform, operating system, and programming language independent way of communicating data over the Internet. Data managers are publishing the contents of each ODM database using the WaterOneFlow Web Services. ODM Database Data Consumer Query Response GetSites GetSiteInfo GetVariableInfo GetValues WaterML SQL Queries WaterOneFlow Web Service Call Web Service Response % create NWIS Class and an instance of the class createClassFromWsdl(' /NWIS/DailyValues.asmx?WSDL'); WS = NWISDailyValues; % GetValues to get the data siteid='NWIS: '; bdate=' T00:00:00'; edate=' T00:00:00'; variable='NWIS:00060'; valuesxml=GetValues(WS,siteid,variable,bdate,edate,''); HydroExcel: Get Data Directly into Microsoft Excel MATLAB: Get Data Directly in Your Analysis Environment of Choice HydroDesktop: Get Data on Your Machine Using Keyword Searches Jeffery S. Horsburgh, David G. Tarboton, Kimberly A. T. Schreuders, Daniel P. Ames, James P. McNamara, Lucy A. Marshall, Brian L. McGlynn, Douglas L. Kane, Amy Tidwell, Jan Boll, Nancy W. Hinman, Michael E. Barber, and the ICEWATER Data Managers Point Observations – Stream gages – Continuous water quality sampling – Weather stations – Soil moisture – Snow monitoring – Groundwater level/quality Spatially Distributed Data – Land use/cover – Terrain – Hydrography 2 Supports search by location and type of data across multiple observation networks including NWIS and STORET ICEWATER Central: ICEWATER Central is a website hosted at Utah State University that provides information about ICEWATER data resources, support for ICEWATER data managers, and links to all of the software used to establish HIS Servers within the ICEWWATER network. At ICEWATER central, you can discover all of the data resources available in the ICEWATER data network and you can be linked to each of the individual ICEWATER HIS Servers where you can access and download the data. The Observations Data Model (ODM): ODM provides a standard relational model for storing and managing hydrologic observations made at points. Data managers are loading their time series data into one or more ODM databases, which are implemented in Microsoft SQL Server. ODM Data Loader ODM Streaming Data Loader ODM Tools ODM Utilities: A number of software programs have been created for data managers to use to interact with ODM databases. The ODM Data Loader and streaming data loader help data managers load data. ODM Tools enables data managers to query, export, visualize, and edit data. ODM Tools provides some data QA/QC capabilities. Publication of Spatial Datasets: Data managers are using ArcGIS server to publish spatial datasets for their experimental watersheds and study sites. Services are published using OGC WMS, WFS, and WCS. CUAHSI HIS Central: ICEWATER data managers are registering their services with CUAHSI HIS Central, which is a national registry of hydrologic data services. By doing so, ICEWATER services are made public and can be discovered by client tools like HydroDesktop. HydroDesktop is a software program that enables users to search across the entire contents of HIS Central and download all of the available data. HIS Server Capabilities: Each service that is published on an HIS Server is cataloged in a capabilities databases along with relevant metadata. A configuration tool is available for editing the capabilities database. Once in the database, a Capabilities Web Service publishes the capabilities of the HIS Server so that it is “self describing.” HIS Server Web Applications: Each data manager is implementing a standard set of web applications for presenting the available data and services on their HIS server as well as for providing data visualization and download capabilities. These include an HIS Server Website, an Internet Map Application, and the Time Series Analyst. 5 Discovering ICEWATER Data What is ICEWATER? CUAHSI HIS ICEWATER: An Implementation of the CUAHSI HIS WA OR ID MT UT AZ CA NV AK WY CO NM Inland Northwest Research Alliance (INRA) Water Research Consortium - coalition of eight universities working in cooperation with the US Department of Energy – Boise State University – Idaho State University – Montana State University – University of Alaska Fairbanks – University of Idaho – University of Montana – Utah State University – Washington State University ICEWATER – INRA Constellation of Experimental WATERsheds