PVG100 High Flow Option Launch 2011
PVG100 High Flow Option Content Market Trend Introduction Unique product features and benefits Applications and Success Stories Summary
PVG100 High Flow Option Market Trend and Competition Increased demand for High Efficiency, High Flow solutions. Tier-4 continues to drive the need for HP Savings
PVG100 High Flow Option Introduction- Review PVG 100 designed for 180lpm @ 15 bar pump margin. Flow from a post- compensated valve is dependent upon pump margin. The higher the pump margin the higher the work port flow. Standard spool for PVG 100 is Ø18 mm. All PVG 100 spool flows are nominal and are specified at 15 bar pump margin.
PVG100 High Flow Option Introduction PVG 100 initially designed for very high tank flows. B A Ø18mm T P T Ø22mm T T: BSP-G 1-1/4, SAE -1-5/8-12UNF A/B: BSP-G 3/4, SAE -1-1/16-12UNF T T PVT Core
PVG100 High Flow Option Introduction 210 lpm and 240 lpm PVB and PVBS Lower Pressure - @ 15bar pump margin Larger Spool (PVBS) - Ø20 mm to achieve higher flow. Larger Spool Body Workport (PVB) – A/B: BSP-G3/4, SAE -1-3/16-12UNF Compatible with common PVG32 and PVG100 actuators and handle kits Dual Shock Valve PVB 24-PVBS Variations 8-PVB Variations
PVG100 High Flow Option Unique Product Features and Benefits High Flow PVG 100 raises work flows with less work! @ 15 bar margin pressure T P A B Ø20mm 240 lpm 210 lpm
PVG100 High Flow Option Unique Product Features and Benefits High Flow PVG 100 lowers return pressures! B A Ø20mm Interface Plate T P T Ø22 mm T T: BSP-G 1-1/4, SAE -1-5/8-12UNF A/B: BSP-G 3/4, SAE -1-3/16-12UNF T T PVT Core
PVG100 High Flow Option Unique Product Features and Benefits Performance Data: Max. Continuous A/B Workport Pressure – 320bar[4600psi] Max. Intermittent A/B Workport Pressure – 350bar[5000psi] Max. A/B Workport Flow @ 15bar margin - 240lpm[63.4gpm] Max. Internal Leakage A/B T @ 100bar[1450psi] Without Dual Shock Valve – 30cc/min [0.92cu.in./min] With Dual Shock Valve – 35cc/min [1.38cu.in./min] Max.Spool Stroke / Float: ± 7/8mm Spool Deadband: ± 1.5mm [±0.06 in]
PVG100 High Flow Option Unique Product Options High Flow PVB Refer to PIB PV2011-009 and 520L0720 for detailed Technical Information. PVB includes standard PVM and PVE interface plates.
PVG100 High Flow Option Unique Product Options High Flow PVBS 210 lpm 55.4gpm 240 lpm 63.4gpm 11102188 11102192 11102200 11102205 11102209 11102193 11102189 11102206 11102201 11102197 11102196 11102210 11102186 11102190 11102198 11102202 11102207 11102191 11102187 11102203 11102199 11102195 11102194 11102208 Standard Spools (Hydraulic and Mechanical Actuation) Standard Spools (Electrical and Mechanical Actuation) Refer to PIB PV2011-009 and Technical Information 520L0720 for detailed technical Information.
PVG100 High Flow Option Poll question Does the PVG 100 high flow require special actuator (like PVG 120) Yes, It uses same line of actuators like PVG 120 Yes, A special series of high flow actuators is available No, all standard actuators except PVEA can be used (correct)
PVG100 High Flow Option Applications and Success Stories Forestry Feller Buncher Tree Processor Heads Mining Oil Exploration Construction Equipment Wheel Loader
PVG100 High Flow Option Summary High Flow, Flow Sharing Valve High Flow Option allows for higher flows at less pump margin pressure. Available in 210lpm and 240lpm spool sizes PIB PV2011-009 for additional information. In-Stock and ready to order.
PVG100 High Flow Option
PVG100 High Flow Option Test question Can the High Flow module be used together with other PVG100 or PVG32 modules? Yes (correct) No